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Version: 0.9.1

Vote Table

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List full details about every on-chain voting period.

row_id uint64Unique row identifier.
election_id uint64Unique row_id of the election this proposal was submitted in.
proposal_id uint64Unique row_id of the proposal that is voted for (or the winning proposal, if any, from the proposal period).
voting_period int64On-chain sequence number of the voting period.
voting_period_kind enumType of the voting period proposal, exploration, cooldown, promotion, adoption.
period_start_time datetimeBlock time of vote start block.
period_end_time datetimeBlock time of vote end block.
period_start_height int64Block height of vote start block.
period_end_height int64Block height of vote end block.
eligible_stake moneyAmount of eligible stake for this vote.
eligible_voters int64Number of eligible voters for this vote.
quorum_pct int64Required quorum for this vote in percent.
quorum_stake moneyRequired quorum for this vote in stake.
turnout_stake moneyActual vote participation in stake.
turnout_voters int64Actual vote participation in voters.
turnout_pct int64Actual vote participation in percent.
turnout_ema int64Actual vote participation as moving average.
yay_stake moneyAmount of yay voting stake.
yay_voters int64Count of yay voting voters.
nay_stake moneyAmount of nay voting stake.
nay_voters int64Count of nay voting voters.
pass_stake moneyAmount of pass voting stake.
pass_voters int64Count of pass voting voters.
is_open boolFlag indicating the vote is in progress.
is_failed boolFlag indicating the vote has failed to select or activate a new protocol.
is_draw boolFlag indication the reason for failure was a draw between two proposals in the proposal period.
no_proposal boolFlag indication the reason for failure was no submitted proposal in the proposal period.
no_quorum boolFlag indication the reason for failure was participation below the required quorum.
no_majority boolFlag indication the reason for failure was acceptance below the required supermajority.
proposal int64Hash of the proposal that is voted on, if any.