🦄 TzPro Tezos DeFi API
The TzPro DeFi API provides a full picture of all DeFi activity on Tezos including DEXes, staking farms and lending protocols. Access current and historic positions for indiviudal wallets and get in-depth info on trades, prices and more.
Supported DEX Protocols
- Aliens DEX
- Ctez CFMM
- Dexter v1, v2
- EifiSwap
- Flame Dex
- Plenty v1, v2, StableSwap
- Quipuswap v1, v2, v3, Token-to-Token, StableSwap
- Sirius
- SpicySwap v1, v2
- Vortex
- Youves FlatYouves
Supported Staking Protocols
- Crunchy Yield Farms
- Youves Unified Staking
- Youves Savings v1, v2, v3
- Youves LP Staking v1, v2
Supported Lending Protocols
- Youves engines v1, v2, v3
Missing something? To get your protocol listed contact us at tzstats@trili.tech
Get info on DEX pools, current liquidity, LP positions, events and trades, historic prices, candles and price tickers.
Get DEX by address
Returns a DEX pool at the specified address.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> DEX pool address ( |
Response Schema: application/json
contract | string <contract-address> DEX contract address. |
creator | string <address> Wallet address who signed the pool creation transaction. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
fees_bps | string <fixed> Current total percentage of trading fees in basis points. |
first_block | integer <int64> Block height where pool was created. |
first_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp where pool was created. |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
last_change_block | integer <int64> Block height where pool supply last changed. |
last_change_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp where pool supply last changed. |
last_trade_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp where last trade happened. |
liquidity_usd | string <fixed> Current total pool value (all tokens), converted to USD at current price (18 decimals). |
name | string Dex pool name. |
num_lps | integer <int32> Number of current active liquidity providers. |
num_tokens | integer <int32> Number of tokens traded in this pool (typically 2, but can also be 3 - 4). |
num_total_lps | integer <int32> Number of all-time unique liquidity providers. |
num_total_users | integer <int32> Number of all-time unique users (LPs and traders). |
num_trades | integer <int32> Total number of executed trades. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int32> Unique pool id inside the contract. |
price | string <fixed> Current token price, i.e. the cost of one base unit (A) in quote currency (B) (18 decimals). |
price_usd | string <fixed> Current base token price in USD (18 decimals). |
supply_a | string <bigint> Current pool supply in token A (raw, no decimals). |
supply_b | string <bigint> Current pool supply in token B (raw, no decimals). |
supply_c | string <bigint> Current pool supply in token C (raw, no decimals). |
supply_d | string <bigint> Current pool supply in token D (raw, no decimals). |
supply_lp | string <bigint> Current pool supply in LP tokens (raw, no decimals). |
tags | Array of strings Items Enum: "deprecated" "insecure" "broken" "non-transferable" "scam" … 2 more Optional tags for the ledger. |
object | |
object | |
object | |
object | |
object |
Response samples
- 200
{- "contract": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "creator": "tz1hoverof3f2F8NAavUyTjbFBstZXTqnUMS",
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "fees_bps": "30.00",
- "first_block": 1365556,
- "first_time": "2021-03-01T08:58:11Z",
- "id": 28,
- "last_change_block": 3682788,
- "last_change_time": "2023-06-10T09:57:44Z",
- "liquidity_usd": "9976.739020121469048268",
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "num_tokens": 2,
- "num_trades": 24085,
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pair_id": 0,
- "price": "1.430676918155574099",
- "price_usd": "1.021225989867835392",
- "supply_a": "4865832845737574441206",
- "supply_b": "6961434740",
- "supply_lp": "2512488321",
- "tags": [ ],
- "token_a": {
- "category": "synthetic",
- "decimals": 18,
- "id": 17,
- "ledger": "KT1K9gCRgaLRFKTErYt1wVxA3Frb9FjasjTV",
- "logo": " https://kolibri-data.s3.amazonaws.com/logo.png",
- "name": "Kolibri USD",
- "symbol": "kUSD",
- "token_id": "0",
- "token_kind": "fa",
- "token_type": "fa1.2"
}, - "token_b": {
- "category": "none",
- "decimals": 6,
- "id": 1,
- "logo": "",
- "name": "Tez",
- "symbol": "XTZ",
- "token_kind": "tez",
- "token_type": "native"
}, - "token_lp": {
- "category": "none",
- "decimals": 0,
- "id": 28,
- "ledger": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "logo": "",
- "name": "Dexter kUSD/XTZ LP",
- "symbol": "dexterLP+kUSD+XTZ",
- "tags": [
- "non-transferable"
], - "token_id": "0",
- "token_kind": "lp",
- "token_type": "internal"
List DEX candles
Returns a list of OHLCV candles for the specified DEX pool.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> DEX pool address ( |
query Parameters
range | string <time-range> Default: "M" Specify a time range in one of the following formats:
interval | string <time-unit> Default: "d" Specify a time unit of format
Examples: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
Response Schema: application/json
Response samples
- 200
[- [
- 1686355200,
- 1686358800,
- 1,
- 1,
- "31449.843014128728414442",
- "31508.545129825525484269",
- "31508.545129825525484269",
- "31508.545129825525484269",
- "31508.545129825525484269",
- "0.00007279",
- "2.300408",
- "0.00007279",
- "2.300408"
List DEX events
Returns a list of events on the specified DEX pool.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> DEX pool address ( |
query Parameters
object Filter by event type. | |
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
object Filter by call router. | |
address | string <address> Filter by any address in signer, sender, receiver. |
object Filter by block height. | |
object Filter by transaction date and time. | |
object Filter by transaction hash. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
block | integer <int64> Block height for the event. |
contract | string <contract-address> Dex contract address. |
decimals_a | integer Token A decimals. |
decimals_b | integer Token B decimals. |
decimals_c | integer Token C decimals. |
decimals_d | integer Token D decimals. |
decimals_lp | integer LP token decimals. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
event_type | string Enum: "trade" "deposit" "withdraw" "claim" "update" … 2 more |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
name | string Dex pool name. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int64> Trading pair id for DEX pool (serial id in contract). |
receiver | string <address> Token receiver address. |
router | string <address> Address of an optional contract call router. |
sender | string <address> Token sender address. |
signer | string <address> Transaction signer address. |
supply_a | string <bigint> Pool supply in token A after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_b | string <bigint> Pool supply in token B after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_c | string <bigint> Pool supply in token C after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_d | string <bigint> Poolsupply in token D after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_lp | string <bigint> Pool supply in LP tokens after event (raw, no decimals). |
time | string <date-time> Block timestamp for the event. |
tx_fee | string <bigint> Transaction fee paid (raw, no decimals). |
tx_hash | string <hash> Transaction hash related to the event. |
value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of the event (18 decimals). |
volume_a | string <bigint> Event volume in token A (raw, no decimals). |
volume_b | string <bigint> Event volume in token B (raw, no decimals). |
volume_c | string <bigint> Event volume in token C (raw, no decimals). |
volume_d | string <bigint> Event volume in token D (raw, no decimals). |
volume_lp | string <bigint> Event volume in LP tokens (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "block": 1365565,
- "contract": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "decimals_a": 18,
- "decimals_b": 6,
- "decimals_lp": 0,
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "event_type": "deposit",
- "id": 8881,
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pair_id": 0,
- "receiver": "tz1Mqnms73LqgBCYiM7e5k12VyWNQG8ytcGb",
- "sender": "tz1Mqnms73LqgBCYiM7e5k12VyWNQG8ytcGb",
- "signer": "tz1Mqnms73LqgBCYiM7e5k12VyWNQG8ytcGb",
- "supply_a": "5000",
- "supply_b": "1416000000",
- "supply_lp": "1416000000",
- "time": "2021-03-01T09:08:07Z",
- "tx_fee": "50462",
- "tx_hash": "ooueUVpQ37mQz3PyoESft65FckfEg89oHdRhwz5qLiihV3YH6sc",
- "value_usd": "5062.200000000000000000",
- "volume_a": "5000",
- "volume_b": "1416000000",
- "volume_lp": "1416000000"
List DEX positions
Returns a list of positions from the DEX pool.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> DEX pool address ( |
query Parameters
object Filter by position owner wallet or contract address. | |
object Filter by position opening block height. | |
object Filter by position opening block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position closing block height. | |
object Filter by position closing block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position | |
with_closed | boolean Include closed positions when |
object Include zero positions. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
close_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was closed. |
close_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was closed. |
close_value_usd | string <fixed> Cumulative time value in USD of all position withdrawals at time of withdraw (18 decimals). |
contract | string <contract-address> Dex contract address. |
decimals_a | integer Token A decimals. |
decimals_b | integer Token B decimals. |
decimals_c | integer Token C decimals. |
decimals_d | integer Token D decimals. |
decimals_lp | integer LP shares decimals. |
deposited_a | string <bigint> Total amount of token A deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
deposited_b | string <bigint> Total amount of token B deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
deposited_c | string <bigint> Total amount of token C deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
deposited_d | string <bigint> Total amount of token D deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
fee_income_bps | string <fixed> Income from LP fees in basis points (2 decimals). |
fee_income_usd | string <fixed> Total income from LP fees in USD over the entire position lifetime considering deposited and withdrawn tokens. Price basis is current price (18 decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
is_closed | boolean Flag indicating whether position is historic (closed) meaning all minted LP shares have been burned. |
name | string Dex pool name. |
open_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was created. |
open_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was created. |
open_value_usd | string <fixed> Cumulative time value in USD of all position deposits at time of deposit (18 decimals). |
owner | string <address> Owner wallet address. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int64> Trading pair id for DEX pool (serial id in contract). |
pnl_bps | string <fixed> Profit or loss in basis points (2 decimals). |
pnl_usd | string <fixed> Profit or loss in USD over the entire position lifetime as difference between open and current (or close) value. This includes fee income and impermanent loss from token price and token amount changes. Price basis is cumulative open price (18 decimals). |
position_value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of the remaining position (18 decimals). |
share_value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of a single LP share (18 decimals). |
shares | string <bigint> Amount of LP shares owned by position (raw, no decimals). |
shares_burned | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares burned from position in withdraw events (raw, no decimals). |
shares_minted | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares minted to position in deposit events (raw, no decimals). |
shares_received | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares received by position owner from other protocol or wallet (raw, no decimals). |
shares_sent | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares sent from position owner to other protocol or wallet (raw, no decimals). |
total_shares | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares in existence (raw, no decimals). |
value_a | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token A (raw, no decimals). |
value_b | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token B (raw, no decimals). |
value_c | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token C (raw, no decimals). |
value_d | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token D (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_a | string <bigint> Total amount of token A withdrawn from position (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_b | string <bigint> Total amount of token B deposited from position (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_c | string <bigint> Total amount of token C deposited from position (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_d | string <bigint> Total amount of token D deposited from position (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "close_value_usd": "0.000000000000000000",
- "contract": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "decimals_a": 18,
- "decimals_b": 6,
- "decimals_lp": 0,
- "deposited_a": "79957614596942778204",
- "deposited_b": "22033668",
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "fee_income_bps": "910.48",
- "fee_income_usd": "12.691710806377181725",
- "id": 808,
- "is_closed": false,
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "open_block": 1366833,
- "open_time": "2021-03-02T06:25:35Z",
- "open_value_usd": "154.204972354381032356",
- "owner": "tz1aCHzduykNyX5zLbJwnweezcNfAaWP7zYd",
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pair_id": 0,
- "pnl_bps": "-5073.42",
- "pnl_usd": "-78.234574095381032356",
- "position_value_usd": "75.970398259000000000",
- "share_value_usd": "0.000006949754678978",
- "shares": "21883668",
- "shares_burned": "0",
- "shares_minted": "21883668",
- "shares_received": "0",
- "shares_sent": "0",
- "total_shares": "2597778676",
- "value_a": "80719146059831532875",
- "value_b": "26156102",
- "withdrawn_a": "0",
- "withdrawn_b": "0"
List DEX price history
Returns a time-series with selected DEX prices.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> DEX pool address ( |
query Parameters
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
select | Array of strings A comma separated list of field expressions to include in the response. Available fields (all string, fixed, 6 decimals):
Available expressions (functions) are Example: |
range | string <time-range> Default: "M" Specify a time range in one of the following formats:
interval | string <time-unit> Default: "d" Specify a time unit of format
Examples: |
fill | string Enum: "none" null "last" "linear" "zero" Optional mode selector to specify how gaps in a time series are filled.
Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
Response Schema: application/json
Array of objects | |||||||||
Response samples
- 200
{- "series": [
- {
- "columns": [
- "time",
- "price_usd"
], - "name": "trade",
- "values": [
- [
- "2023-06-10T00:00:00Z",
- "2023-06-10T01:00:00Z",
- "2023-06-10T02:00:00Z",
- "2023-06-10T04:00:00Z",
- "2023-06-10T05:00:00Z",
- "2023-06-10T06:00:00Z"
], - [
- "25953.597334458123782457",
- "25918.756466785670966890",
- "25961.920074950935616478",
- "23334.797755626189439074",
- "24591.000735870828761103",
- "24890.101586634881219651"
Get DEX ticker
Returns a DEX price ticker for the specified DEX pool.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> DEX pool address ( |
Response Schema: application/json
ask_price | string <fixed> Current ask price in quote currency (18 decimals). |
base_volume | string <fixed> 24h trading volume in base currency (base decimals). |
close_time | string <date-time> Ticker close timestamp (now). |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
high_price | string <fixed> 24h highest price in quote currency (18 decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
last_price | string <fixed> Last trade execution price (18 decimals). |
last_qty | string <fixed> Last trade quantity in quote currency (quote decimals). |
last_trade_time | string <date-time> Last trade timestamp. |
liquidity_usd | string <fixed> Current total pool value (all tokens), converted to USD at current price (18 decimals). |
low_price | string <fixed> 24h lowest price in quote currency (18 decimals). |
name | string Dex pool name. |
num_trades | integer <int32> Number of trades last 24h. |
open_price | string <fixed> 24h open price in quote currency (18 decimals). |
open_time | string <date-time> Ticker open timestamp. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pool | string <pool-address> DEX pool address ( |
price_change | string <fixed> Absolue 24h price change in quote currency (18 decimals). |
price_change_bps | string <fixed> Absolue 24h price change in basis points (2 decimals). |
price_usd | string <fixed> Current base currency price in USD (18 decimals). |
quote_volume | string <fixed> 24h trading volume in quote currency (quote decimals). |
weighted_avg_price | string <fixed> 24h volume weighted average price in quote currency (18 decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
{- "ask_price": "1.421191480346040278",
- "base_volume": "730.313387965175549599",
- "close_time": "2023-06-10T11:59:40Z",
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "high_price": "1.455258065123389004",
- "last_price": "1.425933401148970534",
- "last_qty": "16.235328010981783383",
- "last_trade_time": "2023-06-10T11:28:10Z",
- "liquidity_usd": "9997.860666216037838035",
- "low_price": "1.197722947124087462",
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "num_trades": 44,
- "open_price": "1.196860586334748465",
- "open_time": "2023-06-09T11:59:40Z",
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pool": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6_0",
- "price_change": "0.228210454024883072",
- "price_change_bps": "1905.3",
- "price_usd": "1.021353088385212872",
- "quote_volume": "981.046965",
- "weighted_avg_price": "1.345145553144811691"
List DEX trades
Returns a list of trades executed on the specified DEX pool.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> DEX pool address ( |
query Parameters
object Filter by trade side. | |
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
object Filter by call router. | |
object Filter by dex pool trade counter. | |
object Filter by wash trade flag. | |
object Filter by block height. | |
object Filter by transaction date and time. | |
object Filter by transaction hash. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
base_decimals | integer Base currency decimals. |
base_symbol | string Base currency symbol. |
base_volume | string <bigint> Trade volume in base currency (raw, no decimals). |
block | integer <int64> Block height for the trade. |
burn | string or null <bigint> Token amount burned as part of the trade (raw, no decimals). |
burn_bps | string or null <fixed> Burn in basis points (two decimals). |
burn_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for burned tokens. |
burn_symbol | string Currency symbol for burned tokens. |
contract | string <contract-address> Dex contract address. |
counter | integer <int64> Dex trade counter (unique serial number). |
dev_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid to Dex developer (raw, no decimals). |
dev_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> Developer fee in basis points (two decimals). |
dev_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for developer fee. |
dev_fee_symbol | string Currency symbol for developer fee. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
fees_usd | string <fixed> Total Dex fees converted to USD at time of the trade (18 decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
incentive_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid as incentive to Dex stakeholders (raw, no decimals). |
incentive_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> Incentive fee in basis points (two decimals). |
incentive_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for incentive fee. |
incentive_fee_symbol | string Currency symbol for incentive fee. |
is_wash_trade | boolean Wash trade flag, |
lp_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid to liquidty providers (raw, no decimals). |
lp_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> LP fee in basis points (two extra decimals). |
lp_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for LP fee. |
lp_fee_symbol | string or null Currency symbol for LP fee. |
name | string Dex pool name. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int64> Trading pair id for DEX pool (serial id in contract). |
price_before | string <fixed> Marginal price before trade execution (18 decimals). |
price_decimals | integer Currency decimals for prices. |
price_delta_bps | string or null <fixed> Price difference between marginal price (before) and execution price (gross) in basis points (two decimals). |
price_gross | string <fixed> Marginal price after trade execution (18 decimals). |
price_impact_bps | string or null <fixed> Absolute price change (before/after) in basis points (two decimals). |
price_net | string <fixed> Net price inclusive of all Dex fees for this trade (18 decimals). |
price_symbol | string Currency symbol for prices. |
price_usd | string <fixed> Gross price converted to USD at time of the trade (18 decimals). |
quote_decimals | integer Quote currency decimals. |
quote_symbol | string Quote currency symbol. |
quote_volume | string <bigint> Trade volume in quote currency (raw, no decimals). |
receiver | string <address> Token receiver address. |
referral_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid as referral to trading app (raw, no decimals). |
referral_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> Referral fee in basis points (two decimals). |
referral_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for referral fee. |
referral_fee_symbol | string Currency symbol for referral fee. |
router | string <address> Address of an optional contract call router. |
sender | string <address> Token sender address. |
object | |
signer | string <address> Transaction signer address. |
time | string <date-time> Block timestamp for the trade. |
tx_fee | string <bigint> Transaction fee paid (raw, no decimals). |
tx_fee_decimals | integer Currency decimals for transaction fee. |
tx_fee_symbol | string Currency symbol for transaction fee (usually |
tx_hash | string <hash> Transaction hash related to the trade. |
volume_usd | string <fixed> Trade volume converted to USD at time of the trade (18 decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "base_decimals": 18,
- "base_symbol": "kUSD",
- "base_volume": "3647356336679290726",
- "block": 1366076,
- "contract": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "counter": 1,
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "fees_usd": "0.010755000000000000",
- "id": 7400,
- "is_wash_trade": false,
- "lp_fee": "3000",
- "lp_fee_bps": "30.00",
- "lp_fee_decimals": 6,
- "lp_fee_symbol": "XTZ",
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pair_id": 0,
- "price_after": "0.273473726015937440",
- "price_before": "0.273224044000000000",
- "price_decimals": 18,
- "price_delta_bps": "4.56",
- "price_gross": "0.273348669000000000",
- "price_impact_bps": "9.13",
- "price_net": "0.274171182547642928",
- "price_symbol": "XTZ",
- "price_usd": "0.979508197740000000",
- "quote_decimals": 6,
- "quote_symbol": "XTZ",
- "quote_volume": "1000000",
- "receiver": "tz1RXevdVHRjueQCfLDt3sVDYyb8x51TtEfh",
- "sender": "tz1RXevdVHRjueQCfLDt3sVDYyb8x51TtEfh",
- "side": "buy",
- "signer": "tz1RXevdVHRjueQCfLDt3sVDYyb8x51TtEfh",
- "time": "2021-03-01T17:41:47Z",
- "tx_fee": "31208",
- "tx_fee_decimals": 6,
- "tx_fee_symbol": "XTZ",
- "tx_hash": "opGsfQdppT2hXFuJUTP9be2UQ8kyXUC4dxwUzgqNZ8NZqTKRE52",
- "volume_usd": "3.585000000000000000"
Get Farm by address
Returns a farm pool at the specified address.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> Farm pool address ( |
Response Schema: application/json
contract | string <contract-address> Farm contract address. |
creator | string <address> Wallet address who signed the pool creation transaction. |
end_time | string or null <date-time> Optional reward payout end time. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
first_block | integer <int64> Block height where pool was created. |
first_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp where pool was created. |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
name | string Farm name. |
num_positions | integer <int64> Current number of open staking positions. |
pool_id | integer <int32> Unique pool id inside the contract. |
remaining_reward | string <bigint> Current outstanding rewards in reward token (raw, no decimals). |
object | |
rewards_value_usd | string <fixed> Current value of available rewards in USD (18 decimals). |
object | |
stake_value_usd | string <fixed> Current value of all staked tokens in USD (18 decimals). |
start_time | string or null <date-time> Optional reward payout start time. |
tags | Array of strings Items Enum: "deprecated" "insecure" "broken" "non-transferable" "scam" … 2 more Optional tags for the ledger. |
total_stake | string <bigint> Current pool stake in stake token (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
{- "contract": "KT1TMfRfmJ5mkJEXZGRCsqLHn2rgnV1SdUzb",
- "creator": "tz1TkUbh7oW8AdAUkoqKpCsCLk9894KZfLBM",
- "entity": "Youves",
- "first_block": 1807521,
- "first_time": "2021-10-25T19:06:34+04:00",
- "id": 348,
- "name": "Youves Saving v1 uUSD Farm",
- "num_positions": 79,
- "pool_id": 0,
- "remaining_rewards": "54345253724440521",
- "reward_token": {
- "category": "synthetic",
- "contract": "KT1XRPEPXbZK25r3Htzp2o1x7xdMMmfocKNW",
- "decimals": 12,
- "id": 164,
- "logo": "ipfs://QmbvhanNCxydZEbGu1RdqkG3LcpNGv7XYsCHgzWBXnmxRd",
- "name": "youves uUSD",
- "symbol": "uUSD",
- "token_id": "0",
- "token_kind": "fa",
- "token_type": "fa2"
}, - "rewards_value_usd": "54306.742287876942599587",
- "stake_token": {
- "category": "synthetic",
- "contract": "KT1XRPEPXbZK25r3Htzp2o1x7xdMMmfocKNW",
- "decimals": 12,
- "id": 164,
- "logo": "ipfs://QmbvhanNCxydZEbGu1RdqkG3LcpNGv7XYsCHgzWBXnmxRd",
- "name": "youves uUSD",
- "symbol": "uUSD",
- "token_id": "0",
- "token_kind": "fa",
- "token_type": "fa2"
}, - "stake_value_usd": "53948.182661072695600737",
- "tags": [ ],
- "total_stake": "53986439826329615"
List Farm events
Returns a list of events on the specified farm pool.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> Farm pool address ( |
query Parameters
object Filter by event type. | |
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
address | string <address> Filter by any address in signer, sender, receiver. |
object Filter by block height. | |
object Filter by transaction date and time. | |
object Filter by transaction hash. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
block | integer <int64> Block height for the event. |
contract | string <contract-address> Farm contract address. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
event_type | string Enum: "deposit" "withdraw" "transfer" "claim" "update" |
fee | string <bigint> Farm fee paid by event in stake tokens (raw, no decimals). |
fee_bps | string <fixed> Farm fee in basis points (two decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
name | string Farm name. |
pool_id | integer <int64> Farm pool id in contract. |
receiver | string <address> Token receiver address. |
reward | string <bigint> Rewards token volume moved by event (raw, no decimals). |
reward_decimals | integer Reward token decimals. |
reward_supply | string <bigint> Farm reward token supply after event (raw, no decimals). |
reward_symbol | string Farm reward token symbol. |
reward_token | string <token-address> Farm reward token address. |
sender | string <address> Token sender address. |
signer | string <address> Transaction signer address. |
stake_decimals | integer Stake token decimals. |
stake_id | integer <int64> Staking position id changed by event. |
stake_supply | string <bigint> Farm staking token supply after event (raw, no decimals). |
stake_symbol | string Farm stake token symbol. |
stake_token | string <token-address> Farm stake token address. |
time | string <date-time> Block timestamp for the event. |
tx_fee | string <bigint> Transaction fee paid (raw, no decimals). |
tx_hash | string <hash> Transaction hash related to the event. |
volume | string <bigint> Stake token volume moved by event (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "block": 1521138,
- "contract": "KT1KnuE87q1EKjPozJ5sRAjQA24FPsP57CE3",
- "entity": "Crunchy",
- "event_type": "deposit",
- "fee": "0",
- "fee_bps": "0.00",
- "id": 20,
- "name": "Crunchy quipuLP+wWBTC+XTZ Farm",
- "pool_id": 2,
- "receiver": "tz1YQK9vi2X5Un97NDfR33CQ42QoZzTvMasP",
- "reward": "0",
- "reward_decimals": 8,
- "reward_supply": "250000000000",
- "reward_symbol": "crDAO",
- "reward_token": "KT1XPFjZqCULSnqfKaaYy8hJjeY63UNSGwXg_0",
- "sender": "tz1YQK9vi2X5Un97NDfR33CQ42QoZzTvMasP",
- "signer": "tz1YQK9vi2X5Un97NDfR33CQ42QoZzTvMasP",
- "stake_decimals": 6,
- "stake_id": 0,
- "stake_supply": "90617849",
- "stake_symbol": "quipuLP+wWBTC+XTZ",
- "stake_token": "KT1DksKXvCBJN7Mw6frGj6y6F3CbABWZVpj1_0",
- "time": "2021-06-18T19:57:10Z",
- "tx_fee": "58500",
- "tx_hash": "opUMvTtkx7vYn6siC97frbB82hCFaPweb4yT9yBd9QnqcqDqA43",
- "volume": "90617849"
List Farm positions
Returns a list of positions from the farm pool.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> Farm pool address ( |
query Parameters
object Filters by unique stake id in farm pool. | |
object Filter by position owner wallet or contract address. | |
object Filter by position opening block height. | |
object Filter by position opening block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position closing block height. | |
object Filter by position closing block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position | |
with_closed | boolean Include closed positions when |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
claimed_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of claimed rewards (18 decimals). |
close_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was closed. |
close_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was closed. |
contract | string <contract-address> Farm contract address. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
is_closed | boolean Flag indicating whether position is historic (closed) meaning all stake and rewards have been withdrawn. |
name | string Farm name. |
open_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was created. |
open_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was created. |
owner | string <address> Owner wallet address. |
pending_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of pending rewards (18 decimals). |
pool_id | integer <int64> Farm pool id in contract. |
reward_decimals | integer Reward token decimals. |
reward_symbol | string Farm reward token symbol. |
reward_token | string <token-address> Farm reward token address. |
rewards_claimed | string <bigint> Total amount of reward tokens claimed (raw, no decimals). |
rewards_pending | string <bigint> Current amount of reward tokens claimable (raw, no decimals). |
stake_balance | string <bigint> Current position staking token balance (raw, no decimals). |
stake_decimals | integer Stake token decimals. |
stake_deposited | string <bigint> Total amount of staking tokens deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
stake_id | integer <int64> Staking position id changed by event. |
stake_symbol | string Farm stake token symbol. |
stake_token | string <token-address> Farm stake token address. |
stake_withdrawn | string <bigint> Total amount of staking tokens withdrawn from position (raw, no decimals). |
total_stake | string <bigint> Current farm staking token supply (raw, no decimals). |
value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of the staking position (18 decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "claimed_usd": "0.271127633755839219",
- "contract": "KT1KnuE87q1EKjPozJ5sRAjQA24FPsP57CE3",
- "entity": "Crunchy",
- "id": 18,
- "is_closed": false,
- "name": "Crunchy quipuLP+wWBTC+XTZ Farm",
- "open_block": 1521138,
- "open_time": "2021-06-18T19:57:10Z",
- "owner": "tz1YQK9vi2X5Un97NDfR33CQ42QoZzTvMasP",
- "pending_us": "0.782116509526287979",
- "pool_id": 2,
- "reward_decimals": 8,
- "reward_symbol": "crDAO",
- "reward_token": "KT1XPFjZqCULSnqfKaaYy8hJjeY63UNSGwXg_0",
- "rewards_claimed": "49860923",
- "rewards_pending": "143832816",
- "stake_balance": "181235698",
- "stake_decimals": 6,
- "stake_deposited": "181235698",
- "stake_id": 0,
- "stake_symbol": "quipuLP+wWBTC+XTZ",
- "stake_token": "KT1DksKXvCBJN7Mw6frGj6y6F3CbABWZVpj1_0",
- "stake_withdrawn": "0",
- "total_stake": "136938358",
- "value_usd": "663.085302140997575318"
Get Lending Pool by address
Returns a lending pool at the specified address.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> Lending pool address ( |
Response Schema: application/json
object | |
collateral_value_usd | string <fixed> Current value of deposited collateral tokens in USD (18 decimals). |
contract | string <contract-address> Lending pool contract address. |
creator | string <address> Wallet address who signed the pool creation transaction. |
object | |
debt_value_usd | string <fixed> Current value of borrowed tokens in USD (18 decimals). |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
first_block | integer <int64> Block height where pool was created. |
first_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp where pool was created. |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
name | string Lending pool name. |
num_borrows | integer <int64> Current number of debt positions. |
num_deposits | integer <int64> Current number of collateral positions. |
pool_id | integer <int32> Unique lending pool id inside the contract. |
tags | Array of strings Items Enum: "deprecated" "insecure" "broken" "non-transferable" "scam" … 2 more Optional tags for the ledger. |
total_collateral | string <bigint> Current staked collateral (raw, no decimals). |
total_debt | string <bigint> Current outstanding debt (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
{- "collateral_token": {
- "category": "none",
- "decimals": 6,
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Tez",
- "symbol": "XTZ",
- "token_kind": "tez",
- "token_type": "native"
}, - "collateral_value_usd": "129304.334285395508400000",
- "contract": "KT1FFE2LC5JpVakVjHm5mM36QVp2p3ZzH4hH",
- "creator": "tz1TkUbh7oW8AdAUkoqKpCsCLk9894KZfLBM",
- "debt_token": {
- "category": "synthetic",
- "contract": "KT1XRPEPXbZK25r3Htzp2o1x7xdMMmfocKNW",
- "decimals": 12,
- "id": 2,
- "name": "youves uUSD",
- "symbol": "uUSD",
- "token_id": "0",
- "token_kind": "fa",
- "token_type": "fa2"
}, - "debt_value_usd": "45432.378115059693646050",
- "entity": "Youves",
- "first_block": 1568116,
- "first_time": "2021-07-22T14:21:18+04:00",
- "id": 1,
- "name": "Youves Engine uUSD/XTZ",
- "num_borrows": 804,
- "num_deposits": 815,
- "pool_id": 0,
- "tags": [ ],
- "total_collateral": "185601528004",
- "total_debt": "45468236224903628"
List Lending events
Returns a list of events on the specified lending pool.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> Lending pool address ( |
query Parameters
object Filter by event type. | |
object Filter by position owner. | |
object Filters by unique stake id in lending pool. | |
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
address | string <address> Filter by any address in signer, sender, receiver. |
object Filter by block height. | |
object Filter by transaction date and time. | |
object Filter by transaction hash. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
block | integer <int64> Block height for the event. |
collateral | string <bigint> Change in collateral position (raw, no decimals). |
collateral_decimals | integer Collateral token decimals. |
collateral_symbol | string Collateral token symbol. |
collateral_token | string <token-address> Collateral token address. |
contract | string <contract-address> Lending pool contract address. |
debt | string <bigint> Change in debt position (raw, no decimals). |
debt_decimals | integer Debt token decimals. |
debt_symbol | string Debt token symbol. |
debt_token | string <token-address> Debt token address. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
event_type | string Enum: "deposit" "withdraw" "borrow" "repay" "liquidate" … 1 more |
fee | string <bigint> Lending pool fee paid by event (raw, no decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
interest | string <bigint> Interest paid by the event (raw, no decimals). |
owner | string <address> Position owner changed by event. |
pool_id | integer <int64> Lending pool id in contract. |
receiver | string <address> Token receiver address. |
sender | string <address> Token sender address. |
signer | string <address> Transaction signer address. |
stake_id | integer <int64> Position id changed by event. |
time | string <date-time> Block timestamp for the event. |
tx_fee | string <bigint> Transaction fee paid (raw, no decimals). |
tx_hash | string <hash> Transaction hash related to the event. |
volume | string <bigint> Amount of tokens moved (raw, no decimals). May differ from position update when a fee is taken. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "block": 1568126,
- "collateral": "1000000",
- "collateral_decimals": 6,
- "collateral_symbol": "XTZ",
- "collateral_token": "KT18amZmM5W7qDWVt2pH6uj7sCEd3kbzLrHT_0",
- "contract": "KT1FFE2LC5JpVakVjHm5mM36QVp2p3ZzH4hH",
- "debt": "0",
- "debt_decimals": 12,
- "debt_symbol": "uUSD",
- "debt_token": "KT1XRPEPXbZK25r3Htzp2o1x7xdMMmfocKNW_0",
- "entity": "Youves",
- "event_type": "deposit",
- "fee": "0",
- "id": 1,
- "interest": "0",
- "owner": "tz1VwoDxLBarwvM7KZXJRem1DZmefdYKpstk",
- "pool_id": 0,
- "receiver": "tz1VwoDxLBarwvM7KZXJRem1DZmefdYKpstk",
- "sender": "tz1VwoDxLBarwvM7KZXJRem1DZmefdYKpstk",
- "signer": "tz1VwoDxLBarwvM7KZXJRem1DZmefdYKpstk",
- "stake_id": 0,
- "time": "2021-07-22T10:31:18Z",
- "tx_fee": "195381",
- "tx_hash": "ooU5yTEe7D41Edx8z1cZCxqhBaZnW4bR7E4564Q152fK9WSe8mT",
- "volume": "1000000"
List Lending positions
Returns a list of positions from a lending pool.
path Parameters
address required | string <pool-address> Lending pool address ( |
query Parameters
object Filters by unique stake id in lending pool. | |
object Filter by position owner wallet or contract address. | |
object Filter by position opening block height. | |
object Filter by position opening block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position closing block height. | |
object Filter by position closing block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position | |
with_closed | boolean Include closed positions when |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
balance | string <bigint> Current position balance related to |
borrowed | string <bigint> Total amount of debt tokens borrowed (raw, no decimals). |
close_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was closed. |
close_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was closed. |
collateral_decimals | integer Collateral token decimals. |
collateral_symbol | string Collateral token symbol. |
collateral_token | string <token-address> Collateral token address. |
contract | string <contract-address> Lending pool contract address. |
debt_decimals | integer Debt token decimals. |
debt_symbol | string Debt token symbol. |
debt_token | string <token-address> Debt token address. |
deposited | string <bigint> Total amount of collateral tokens deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
interest_earned | string <bigint> Total amount of interest earned (lending side). |
interest_paid | string <bigint> Total amount of interest paid (borroing side). |
interest_pending | string <bigint> Total amount of interest pending (either side). |
interest_pending_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of pending interest (18 decimals). |
is_closed | boolean Flag indicating whether position is historic (closed) meaning all debt is repaid and all collateral is withdrawn. |
liquidated | string <bigint> Total amount of debt or collateral tokens liquidated depending on |
name | string Lending pool name. |
open_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was created. |
open_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was created. |
owner | string <address> Owner wallet address. |
pool_id | integer <int64> Lending pool id in contract. |
position_value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of the position (either side) (18 decimals). |
received | string <bigint> Total amount of position shares sent if supported by protocol (raw, no decimals). |
repaid | string <bigint> Total amount of debt tokens repaid (raw, no decimals). |
sent | string <bigint> Total amount of position shares sent if supported by protocol (raw, no decimals). |
side | string Enum: "lender" "borrower" |
stake_id | integer <int64> Unique position id in lending pool. |
withdrawn | string <bigint> Total amount of collateral tokens withdrawn from position (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "balance": "1791761233535723",
- "borrowed": "1791761233535723",
- "collateral_decimals": 6,
- "collateral_symbol": "XTZ",
- "collateral_token": "KT18amZmM5W7qDWVt2pH6uj7sCEd3kbzLrHT_0",
- "contract": "KT1TcCSR24TmDvwTfHkyWbwMB111gtNYxEcA",
- "debt_decimals": 12,
- "debt_symbol": "uUSD",
- "debt_token": "KT1XRPEPXbZK25r3Htzp2o1x7xdMMmfocKNW_0",
- "deposited": "0",
- "entity": "Youves",
- "id": 3545,
- "interest_earned": "0",
- "interest_paid": "0",
- "interest_pending": "36807014019014",
- "interest_pending_usd": "0.000000000000000000",
- "is_closed": false,
- "liquidated": "0",
- "name": "Youves Engine uUSD/XTZ",
- "open_block": 3549832,
- "open_time": "2023-05-18T01:11:16Z",
- "owner": "tz1Ne53BdhKLF1wc19991wjzks1EW7V2oPoA",
- "pool_id": 0,
- "position_usd": "0.000000000000000000",
- "received": "0",
- "repaid": "0",
- "sent": "0",
- "side": "borrower",
- "stake_id": 0,
- "withdrawn": "0"
Get info in indiviudal wallet positions and wallet activity across all supported DEX, farm and lending protocols.
List DEX events
Returns a list of DEX events for a wallet.
path Parameters
address required | string Wallet address. |
query Parameters
object Filters by dex pool address ( | |
object Filters by unique pool database id. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by base currency identity. | |
object Filter by quote currency identity. | |
object Filter by base currency symbol. | |
object Filter by quote currency symbol. | |
object Filter by event type. | |
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
object Filter by call router. | |
object Filter by block height. | |
object Filter by transaction date and time. | |
object Filter by transaction hash. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
block | integer <int64> Block height for the event. |
contract | string <contract-address> Dex contract address. |
decimals_a | integer Token A decimals. |
decimals_b | integer Token B decimals. |
decimals_c | integer Token C decimals. |
decimals_d | integer Token D decimals. |
decimals_lp | integer LP token decimals. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
event_type | string Enum: "trade" "deposit" "withdraw" "claim" "update" … 2 more |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
name | string Dex pool name. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int64> Trading pair id for DEX pool (serial id in contract). |
receiver | string <address> Token receiver address. |
router | string <address> Address of an optional contract call router. |
sender | string <address> Token sender address. |
signer | string <address> Transaction signer address. |
supply_a | string <bigint> Pool supply in token A after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_b | string <bigint> Pool supply in token B after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_c | string <bigint> Pool supply in token C after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_d | string <bigint> Poolsupply in token D after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_lp | string <bigint> Pool supply in LP tokens after event (raw, no decimals). |
time | string <date-time> Block timestamp for the event. |
tx_fee | string <bigint> Transaction fee paid (raw, no decimals). |
tx_hash | string <hash> Transaction hash related to the event. |
value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of the event (18 decimals). |
volume_a | string <bigint> Event volume in token A (raw, no decimals). |
volume_b | string <bigint> Event volume in token B (raw, no decimals). |
volume_c | string <bigint> Event volume in token C (raw, no decimals). |
volume_d | string <bigint> Event volume in token D (raw, no decimals). |
volume_lp | string <bigint> Event volume in LP tokens (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "block": 1365565,
- "contract": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "decimals_a": 18,
- "decimals_b": 6,
- "decimals_lp": 0,
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "event_type": "deposit",
- "id": 8881,
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pair_id": 0,
- "receiver": "tz1Mqnms73LqgBCYiM7e5k12VyWNQG8ytcGb",
- "sender": "tz1Mqnms73LqgBCYiM7e5k12VyWNQG8ytcGb",
- "signer": "tz1Mqnms73LqgBCYiM7e5k12VyWNQG8ytcGb",
- "supply_a": "5000",
- "supply_b": "1416000000",
- "supply_lp": "1416000000",
- "time": "2021-03-01T09:08:07Z",
- "tx_fee": "50462",
- "tx_hash": "ooueUVpQ37mQz3PyoESft65FckfEg89oHdRhwz5qLiihV3YH6sc",
- "value_usd": "5062.200000000000000000",
- "volume_a": "5000",
- "volume_b": "1416000000",
- "volume_lp": "1416000000"
List DEX positions
Returns a list of DEX positions for a wallet.
path Parameters
address required | string Wallet address. |
query Parameters
object Filters by dex pool address ( | |
object Filters by unique pool database id. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by base currency identity. | |
object Filter by quote currency identity. | |
object Filter by base currency symbol. | |
object Filter by quote currency symbol. | |
object Filter by position opening block height. | |
object Filter by position opening block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position closing block height. | |
object Filter by position closing block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position | |
with_closed | boolean Include closed positions when |
object Include zero positions. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
close_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was closed. |
close_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was closed. |
close_value_usd | string <fixed> Cumulative time value in USD of all position withdrawals at time of withdraw (18 decimals). |
contract | string <contract-address> Dex contract address. |
decimals_a | integer Token A decimals. |
decimals_b | integer Token B decimals. |
decimals_c | integer Token C decimals. |
decimals_d | integer Token D decimals. |
decimals_lp | integer LP shares decimals. |
deposited_a | string <bigint> Total amount of token A deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
deposited_b | string <bigint> Total amount of token B deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
deposited_c | string <bigint> Total amount of token C deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
deposited_d | string <bigint> Total amount of token D deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
fee_income_bps | string <fixed> Income from LP fees in basis points (2 decimals). |
fee_income_usd | string <fixed> Total income from LP fees in USD over the entire position lifetime considering deposited and withdrawn tokens. Price basis is current price (18 decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
is_closed | boolean Flag indicating whether position is historic (closed) meaning all minted LP shares have been burned. |
name | string Dex pool name. |
open_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was created. |
open_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was created. |
open_value_usd | string <fixed> Cumulative time value in USD of all position deposits at time of deposit (18 decimals). |
owner | string <address> Owner wallet address. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int64> Trading pair id for DEX pool (serial id in contract). |
pnl_bps | string <fixed> Profit or loss in basis points (2 decimals). |
pnl_usd | string <fixed> Profit or loss in USD over the entire position lifetime as difference between open and current (or close) value. This includes fee income and impermanent loss from token price and token amount changes. Price basis is cumulative open price (18 decimals). |
position_value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of the remaining position (18 decimals). |
share_value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of a single LP share (18 decimals). |
shares | string <bigint> Amount of LP shares owned by position (raw, no decimals). |
shares_burned | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares burned from position in withdraw events (raw, no decimals). |
shares_minted | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares minted to position in deposit events (raw, no decimals). |
shares_received | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares received by position owner from other protocol or wallet (raw, no decimals). |
shares_sent | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares sent from position owner to other protocol or wallet (raw, no decimals). |
total_shares | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares in existence (raw, no decimals). |
value_a | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token A (raw, no decimals). |
value_b | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token B (raw, no decimals). |
value_c | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token C (raw, no decimals). |
value_d | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token D (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_a | string <bigint> Total amount of token A withdrawn from position (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_b | string <bigint> Total amount of token B deposited from position (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_c | string <bigint> Total amount of token C deposited from position (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_d | string <bigint> Total amount of token D deposited from position (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "close_value_usd": "0.000000000000000000",
- "contract": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "decimals_a": 18,
- "decimals_b": 6,
- "decimals_lp": 0,
- "deposited_a": "79957614596942778204",
- "deposited_b": "22033668",
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "fee_income_bps": "910.48",
- "fee_income_usd": "12.691710806377181725",
- "id": 808,
- "is_closed": false,
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "open_block": 1366833,
- "open_time": "2021-03-02T06:25:35Z",
- "open_value_usd": "154.204972354381032356",
- "owner": "tz1aCHzduykNyX5zLbJwnweezcNfAaWP7zYd",
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pair_id": 0,
- "pnl_bps": "-5073.42",
- "pnl_usd": "-78.234574095381032356",
- "position_value_usd": "75.970398259000000000",
- "share_value_usd": "0.000006949754678978",
- "shares": "21883668",
- "shares_burned": "0",
- "shares_minted": "21883668",
- "shares_received": "0",
- "shares_sent": "0",
- "total_shares": "2597778676",
- "value_a": "80719146059831532875",
- "value_b": "26156102",
- "withdrawn_a": "0",
- "withdrawn_b": "0"
List DEX trades
Returns a list of DEX trades for a wallet.
path Parameters
address required | string Wallet address. |
query Parameters
object Filters by dex pool address ( | |
object Filters by unique pool database id. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by base currency identity. | |
object Filter by quote currency identity. | |
object Filter by base currency symbol. | |
object Filter by quote currency symbol. | |
object Filter by trade side. | |
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
object Filter by call router. | |
object Filter by dex pool trade counter. | |
object Filter by wash trade flag. | |
object Filter by block height. | |
object Filter by transaction date and time. | |
object Filter by transaction hash. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
base_decimals | integer Base currency decimals. |
base_symbol | string Base currency symbol. |
base_volume | string <bigint> Trade volume in base currency (raw, no decimals). |
block | integer <int64> Block height for the trade. |
burn | string or null <bigint> Token amount burned as part of the trade (raw, no decimals). |
burn_bps | string or null <fixed> Burn in basis points (two decimals). |
burn_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for burned tokens. |
burn_symbol | string Currency symbol for burned tokens. |
contract | string <contract-address> Dex contract address. |
counter | integer <int64> Dex trade counter (unique serial number). |
dev_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid to Dex developer (raw, no decimals). |
dev_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> Developer fee in basis points (two decimals). |
dev_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for developer fee. |
dev_fee_symbol | string Currency symbol for developer fee. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
fees_usd | string <fixed> Total Dex fees converted to USD at time of the trade (18 decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
incentive_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid as incentive to Dex stakeholders (raw, no decimals). |
incentive_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> Incentive fee in basis points (two decimals). |
incentive_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for incentive fee. |
incentive_fee_symbol | string Currency symbol for incentive fee. |
is_wash_trade | boolean Wash trade flag, |
lp_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid to liquidty providers (raw, no decimals). |
lp_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> LP fee in basis points (two extra decimals). |
lp_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for LP fee. |
lp_fee_symbol | string or null Currency symbol for LP fee. |
name | string Dex pool name. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int64> Trading pair id for DEX pool (serial id in contract). |
price_before | string <fixed> Marginal price before trade execution (18 decimals). |
price_decimals | integer Currency decimals for prices. |
price_delta_bps | string or null <fixed> Price difference between marginal price (before) and execution price (gross) in basis points (two decimals). |
price_gross | string <fixed> Marginal price after trade execution (18 decimals). |
price_impact_bps | string or null <fixed> Absolute price change (before/after) in basis points (two decimals). |
price_net | string <fixed> Net price inclusive of all Dex fees for this trade (18 decimals). |
price_symbol | string Currency symbol for prices. |
price_usd | string <fixed> Gross price converted to USD at time of the trade (18 decimals). |
quote_decimals | integer Quote currency decimals. |
quote_symbol | string Quote currency symbol. |
quote_volume | string <bigint> Trade volume in quote currency (raw, no decimals). |
receiver | string <address> Token receiver address. |
referral_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid as referral to trading app (raw, no decimals). |
referral_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> Referral fee in basis points (two decimals). |
referral_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for referral fee. |
referral_fee_symbol | string Currency symbol for referral fee. |
router | string <address> Address of an optional contract call router. |
sender | string <address> Token sender address. |
object | |
signer | string <address> Transaction signer address. |
time | string <date-time> Block timestamp for the trade. |
tx_fee | string <bigint> Transaction fee paid (raw, no decimals). |
tx_fee_decimals | integer Currency decimals for transaction fee. |
tx_fee_symbol | string Currency symbol for transaction fee (usually |
tx_hash | string <hash> Transaction hash related to the trade. |
volume_usd | string <fixed> Trade volume converted to USD at time of the trade (18 decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "base_decimals": 18,
- "base_symbol": "kUSD",
- "base_volume": "3647356336679290726",
- "block": 1366076,
- "contract": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "counter": 1,
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "fees_usd": "0.010755000000000000",
- "id": 7400,
- "is_wash_trade": false,
- "lp_fee": "3000",
- "lp_fee_bps": "30.00",
- "lp_fee_decimals": 6,
- "lp_fee_symbol": "XTZ",
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pair_id": 0,
- "price_after": "0.273473726015937440",
- "price_before": "0.273224044000000000",
- "price_decimals": 18,
- "price_delta_bps": "4.56",
- "price_gross": "0.273348669000000000",
- "price_impact_bps": "9.13",
- "price_net": "0.274171182547642928",
- "price_symbol": "XTZ",
- "price_usd": "0.979508197740000000",
- "quote_decimals": 6,
- "quote_symbol": "XTZ",
- "quote_volume": "1000000",
- "receiver": "tz1RXevdVHRjueQCfLDt3sVDYyb8x51TtEfh",
- "sender": "tz1RXevdVHRjueQCfLDt3sVDYyb8x51TtEfh",
- "side": "buy",
- "signer": "tz1RXevdVHRjueQCfLDt3sVDYyb8x51TtEfh",
- "time": "2021-03-01T17:41:47Z",
- "tx_fee": "31208",
- "tx_fee_decimals": 6,
- "tx_fee_symbol": "XTZ",
- "tx_hash": "opGsfQdppT2hXFuJUTP9be2UQ8kyXUC4dxwUzgqNZ8NZqTKRE52",
- "volume_usd": "3.585000000000000000"
List Farm events
Returns a list of farm events for a wallet.
path Parameters
address required | string Wallet address. |
query Parameters
object Filters by farm pool address ( | |
object Filters by unique farm pool database id. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by event type. | |
object Filter by stake token address. | |
object Filter by reward token address. | |
object Filter by stake token symbol. | |
object Filter by reward token symbol. | |
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
object Filter by block height. | |
object Filter by transaction date and time. | |
object Filter by transaction hash. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
block | integer <int64> Block height for the event. |
contract | string <contract-address> Farm contract address. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
event_type | string Enum: "deposit" "withdraw" "transfer" "claim" "update" |
fee | string <bigint> Farm fee paid by event in stake tokens (raw, no decimals). |
fee_bps | string <fixed> Farm fee in basis points (two decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
name | string Farm name. |
pool_id | integer <int64> Farm pool id in contract. |
receiver | string <address> Token receiver address. |
reward | string <bigint> Rewards token volume moved by event (raw, no decimals). |
reward_decimals | integer Reward token decimals. |
reward_supply | string <bigint> Farm reward token supply after event (raw, no decimals). |
reward_symbol | string Farm reward token symbol. |
reward_token | string <token-address> Farm reward token address. |
sender | string <address> Token sender address. |
signer | string <address> Transaction signer address. |
stake_decimals | integer Stake token decimals. |
stake_id | integer <int64> Staking position id changed by event. |
stake_supply | string <bigint> Farm staking token supply after event (raw, no decimals). |
stake_symbol | string Farm stake token symbol. |
stake_token | string <token-address> Farm stake token address. |
time | string <date-time> Block timestamp for the event. |
tx_fee | string <bigint> Transaction fee paid (raw, no decimals). |
tx_hash | string <hash> Transaction hash related to the event. |
volume | string <bigint> Stake token volume moved by event (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "block": 1521138,
- "contract": "KT1KnuE87q1EKjPozJ5sRAjQA24FPsP57CE3",
- "entity": "Crunchy",
- "event_type": "deposit",
- "fee": "0",
- "fee_bps": "0.00",
- "id": 20,
- "name": "Crunchy quipuLP+wWBTC+XTZ Farm",
- "pool_id": 2,
- "receiver": "tz1YQK9vi2X5Un97NDfR33CQ42QoZzTvMasP",
- "reward": "0",
- "reward_decimals": 8,
- "reward_supply": "250000000000",
- "reward_symbol": "crDAO",
- "reward_token": "KT1XPFjZqCULSnqfKaaYy8hJjeY63UNSGwXg_0",
- "sender": "tz1YQK9vi2X5Un97NDfR33CQ42QoZzTvMasP",
- "signer": "tz1YQK9vi2X5Un97NDfR33CQ42QoZzTvMasP",
- "stake_decimals": 6,
- "stake_id": 0,
- "stake_supply": "90617849",
- "stake_symbol": "quipuLP+wWBTC+XTZ",
- "stake_token": "KT1DksKXvCBJN7Mw6frGj6y6F3CbABWZVpj1_0",
- "time": "2021-06-18T19:57:10Z",
- "tx_fee": "58500",
- "tx_hash": "opUMvTtkx7vYn6siC97frbB82hCFaPweb4yT9yBd9QnqcqDqA43",
- "volume": "90617849"
List Farm positions
Returns a list of farm positions for a wallet.
path Parameters
address required | string Wallet address. |
query Parameters
object Filters by farm pool address ( | |
object Filters by unique stake id in farm pool. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by stake token address. | |
object Filter by reward token address. | |
object Filter by stake token symbol. | |
object Filter by reward token symbol. | |
object Filter by position opening block height. | |
object Filter by position opening block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position closing block height. | |
object Filter by position closing block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position | |
with_closed | boolean Include closed positions when |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
claimed_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of claimed rewards (18 decimals). |
close_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was closed. |
close_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was closed. |
contract | string <contract-address> Farm contract address. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
is_closed | boolean Flag indicating whether position is historic (closed) meaning all stake and rewards have been withdrawn. |
name | string Farm name. |
open_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was created. |
open_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was created. |
owner | string <address> Owner wallet address. |
pending_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of pending rewards (18 decimals). |
pool_id | integer <int64> Farm pool id in contract. |
reward_decimals | integer Reward token decimals. |
reward_symbol | string Farm reward token symbol. |
reward_token | string <token-address> Farm reward token address. |
rewards_claimed | string <bigint> Total amount of reward tokens claimed (raw, no decimals). |
rewards_pending | string <bigint> Current amount of reward tokens claimable (raw, no decimals). |
stake_balance | string <bigint> Current position staking token balance (raw, no decimals). |
stake_decimals | integer Stake token decimals. |
stake_deposited | string <bigint> Total amount of staking tokens deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
stake_id | integer <int64> Staking position id changed by event. |
stake_symbol | string Farm stake token symbol. |
stake_token | string <token-address> Farm stake token address. |
stake_withdrawn | string <bigint> Total amount of staking tokens withdrawn from position (raw, no decimals). |
total_stake | string <bigint> Current farm staking token supply (raw, no decimals). |
value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of the staking position (18 decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "claimed_usd": "0.271127633755839219",
- "contract": "KT1KnuE87q1EKjPozJ5sRAjQA24FPsP57CE3",
- "entity": "Crunchy",
- "id": 18,
- "is_closed": false,
- "name": "Crunchy quipuLP+wWBTC+XTZ Farm",
- "open_block": 1521138,
- "open_time": "2021-06-18T19:57:10Z",
- "owner": "tz1YQK9vi2X5Un97NDfR33CQ42QoZzTvMasP",
- "pending_us": "0.782116509526287979",
- "pool_id": 2,
- "reward_decimals": 8,
- "reward_symbol": "crDAO",
- "reward_token": "KT1XPFjZqCULSnqfKaaYy8hJjeY63UNSGwXg_0",
- "rewards_claimed": "49860923",
- "rewards_pending": "143832816",
- "stake_balance": "181235698",
- "stake_decimals": 6,
- "stake_deposited": "181235698",
- "stake_id": 0,
- "stake_symbol": "quipuLP+wWBTC+XTZ",
- "stake_token": "KT1DksKXvCBJN7Mw6frGj6y6F3CbABWZVpj1_0",
- "stake_withdrawn": "0",
- "total_stake": "136938358",
- "value_usd": "663.085302140997575318"
List Lending events
Returns a list of lending pool events for a wallet.
path Parameters
address required | string Wallet address. |
query Parameters
object Filters by lending pool address ( | |
object Filters by unique farm pool database id. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by event type. | |
object Filter by debt token address. | |
object Filter by collateral token address. | |
object Filter by debt token symbol. | |
object Filter by collateral token symbol. | |
object Filters by unique stake id in lending pool. | |
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
object Filter by block height. | |
object Filter by transaction date and time. | |
object Filter by transaction hash. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
block | integer <int64> Block height for the event. |
collateral | string <bigint> Change in collateral position (raw, no decimals). |
collateral_decimals | integer Collateral token decimals. |
collateral_symbol | string Collateral token symbol. |
collateral_token | string <token-address> Collateral token address. |
contract | string <contract-address> Lending pool contract address. |
debt | string <bigint> Change in debt position (raw, no decimals). |
debt_decimals | integer Debt token decimals. |
debt_symbol | string Debt token symbol. |
debt_token | string <token-address> Debt token address. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
event_type | string Enum: "deposit" "withdraw" "borrow" "repay" "liquidate" … 1 more |
fee | string <bigint> Lending pool fee paid by event (raw, no decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
interest | string <bigint> Interest paid by the event (raw, no decimals). |
owner | string <address> Position owner changed by event. |
pool_id | integer <int64> Lending pool id in contract. |
receiver | string <address> Token receiver address. |
sender | string <address> Token sender address. |
signer | string <address> Transaction signer address. |
stake_id | integer <int64> Position id changed by event. |
time | string <date-time> Block timestamp for the event. |
tx_fee | string <bigint> Transaction fee paid (raw, no decimals). |
tx_hash | string <hash> Transaction hash related to the event. |
volume | string <bigint> Amount of tokens moved (raw, no decimals). May differ from position update when a fee is taken. |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "block": 1568126,
- "collateral": "1000000",
- "collateral_decimals": 6,
- "collateral_symbol": "XTZ",
- "collateral_token": "KT18amZmM5W7qDWVt2pH6uj7sCEd3kbzLrHT_0",
- "contract": "KT1FFE2LC5JpVakVjHm5mM36QVp2p3ZzH4hH",
- "debt": "0",
- "debt_decimals": 12,
- "debt_symbol": "uUSD",
- "debt_token": "KT1XRPEPXbZK25r3Htzp2o1x7xdMMmfocKNW_0",
- "entity": "Youves",
- "event_type": "deposit",
- "fee": "0",
- "id": 1,
- "interest": "0",
- "owner": "tz1VwoDxLBarwvM7KZXJRem1DZmefdYKpstk",
- "pool_id": 0,
- "receiver": "tz1VwoDxLBarwvM7KZXJRem1DZmefdYKpstk",
- "sender": "tz1VwoDxLBarwvM7KZXJRem1DZmefdYKpstk",
- "signer": "tz1VwoDxLBarwvM7KZXJRem1DZmefdYKpstk",
- "stake_id": 0,
- "time": "2021-07-22T10:31:18Z",
- "tx_fee": "195381",
- "tx_hash": "ooU5yTEe7D41Edx8z1cZCxqhBaZnW4bR7E4564Q152fK9WSe8mT",
- "volume": "1000000"
List Lending positions
Returns a list of lending positions for a wallet.
path Parameters
address required | string Wallet address. |
query Parameters
object Filters by lending pool address ( | |
object Filters by unique stake id in lending pool. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by debt token address. | |
object Filter by collateral token address. | |
object Filter by debt token symbol. | |
object Filter by collateral token symbol. | |
object Filter by position opening block height. | |
object Filter by position opening block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position closing block height. | |
object Filter by position closing block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position | |
with_closed | boolean Include closed positions when |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
balance | string <bigint> Current position balance related to |
borrowed | string <bigint> Total amount of debt tokens borrowed (raw, no decimals). |
close_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was closed. |
close_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was closed. |
collateral_decimals | integer Collateral token decimals. |
collateral_symbol | string Collateral token symbol. |
collateral_token | string <token-address> Collateral token address. |
contract | string <contract-address> Lending pool contract address. |
debt_decimals | integer Debt token decimals. |
debt_symbol | string Debt token symbol. |
debt_token | string <token-address> Debt token address. |
deposited | string <bigint> Total amount of collateral tokens deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
interest_earned | string <bigint> Total amount of interest earned (lending side). |
interest_paid | string <bigint> Total amount of interest paid (borroing side). |
interest_pending | string <bigint> Total amount of interest pending (either side). |
interest_pending_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of pending interest (18 decimals). |
is_closed | boolean Flag indicating whether position is historic (closed) meaning all debt is repaid and all collateral is withdrawn. |
liquidated | string <bigint> Total amount of debt or collateral tokens liquidated depending on |
name | string Lending pool name. |
open_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was created. |
open_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was created. |
owner | string <address> Owner wallet address. |
pool_id | integer <int64> Lending pool id in contract. |
position_value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of the position (either side) (18 decimals). |
received | string <bigint> Total amount of position shares sent if supported by protocol (raw, no decimals). |
repaid | string <bigint> Total amount of debt tokens repaid (raw, no decimals). |
sent | string <bigint> Total amount of position shares sent if supported by protocol (raw, no decimals). |
side | string Enum: "lender" "borrower" |
stake_id | integer <int64> Unique position id in lending pool. |
withdrawn | string <bigint> Total amount of collateral tokens withdrawn from position (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "balance": "1791761233535723",
- "borrowed": "1791761233535723",
- "collateral_decimals": 6,
- "collateral_symbol": "XTZ",
- "collateral_token": "KT18amZmM5W7qDWVt2pH6uj7sCEd3kbzLrHT_0",
- "contract": "KT1TcCSR24TmDvwTfHkyWbwMB111gtNYxEcA",
- "debt_decimals": 12,
- "debt_symbol": "uUSD",
- "debt_token": "KT1XRPEPXbZK25r3Htzp2o1x7xdMMmfocKNW_0",
- "deposited": "0",
- "entity": "Youves",
- "id": 3545,
- "interest_earned": "0",
- "interest_paid": "0",
- "interest_pending": "36807014019014",
- "interest_pending_usd": "0.000000000000000000",
- "is_closed": false,
- "liquidated": "0",
- "name": "Youves Engine uUSD/XTZ",
- "open_block": 3549832,
- "open_time": "2023-05-18T01:11:16Z",
- "owner": "tz1Ne53BdhKLF1wc19991wjzks1EW7V2oPoA",
- "pool_id": 0,
- "position_usd": "0.000000000000000000",
- "received": "0",
- "repaid": "0",
- "sent": "0",
- "side": "borrower",
- "stake_id": 0,
- "withdrawn": "0"
List, filter and compare across all DEX pools, farms and lending pools for a complete picture. Firehose access is limited to MAX subscribers only.
List all DEX pools
Returns a list of DEX pools.
query Parameters
object Filters by unique pool database id. | |
object Filter by DEX pool pair id. | |
object Filters by DEX address. | |
object Filter by DEX pool creator. | |
object Filter by DEX pool name. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by DEX pool pair name. | |
object Filter by any token symbol. | |
object Filter by base currency identity. | |
object Filter by quote currency identity. | |
object Filter by base currency symbol. | |
object Filter by quote currency symbol. | |
object Filter by number of trades. | |
object Filter by first block seen. | |
object Filter by first time seen. | |
object Filter by ledger tags. | |
zero | boolean Include zero DEX pools without deposits. |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
contract | string <contract-address> DEX contract address. |
creator | string <address> Wallet address who signed the pool creation transaction. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
fees_bps | string <fixed> Current total percentage of trading fees in basis points. |
first_block | integer <int64> Block height where pool was created. |
first_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp where pool was created. |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
last_change_block | integer <int64> Block height where pool supply last changed. |
last_change_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp where pool supply last changed. |
last_trade_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp where last trade happened. |
liquidity_usd | string <fixed> Current total pool value (all tokens), converted to USD at current price (18 decimals). |
name | string Dex pool name. |
num_lps | integer <int32> Number of current active liquidity providers. |
num_tokens | integer <int32> Number of tokens traded in this pool (typically 2, but can also be 3 - 4). |
num_total_lps | integer <int32> Number of all-time unique liquidity providers. |
num_total_users | integer <int32> Number of all-time unique users (LPs and traders). |
num_trades | integer <int32> Total number of executed trades. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int32> Unique pool id inside the contract. |
price | string <fixed> Current token price, i.e. the cost of one base unit (A) in quote currency (B) (18 decimals). |
price_usd | string <fixed> Current base token price in USD (18 decimals). |
supply_a | string <bigint> Current pool supply in token A (raw, no decimals). |
supply_b | string <bigint> Current pool supply in token B (raw, no decimals). |
supply_c | string <bigint> Current pool supply in token C (raw, no decimals). |
supply_d | string <bigint> Current pool supply in token D (raw, no decimals). |
supply_lp | string <bigint> Current pool supply in LP tokens (raw, no decimals). |
tags | Array of strings Items Enum: "deprecated" "insecure" "broken" "non-transferable" "scam" … 2 more Optional tags for the ledger. |
object | |
object | |
object | |
object | |
object |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "contract": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "creator": "tz1hoverof3f2F8NAavUyTjbFBstZXTqnUMS",
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "fees_bps": "30.00",
- "first_block": 1365556,
- "first_time": "2021-03-01T08:58:11Z",
- "id": 28,
- "last_change_block": 3682788,
- "last_change_time": "2023-06-10T09:57:44Z",
- "liquidity_usd": "9976.739020121469048268",
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "num_tokens": 2,
- "num_trades": 24085,
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pair_id": 0,
- "price": "1.430676918155574099",
- "price_usd": "1.021225989867835392",
- "supply_a": "4865832845737574441206",
- "supply_b": "6961434740",
- "supply_lp": "2512488321",
- "tags": [ ],
- "token_a": {
- "category": "synthetic",
- "decimals": 18,
- "id": 17,
- "ledger": "KT1K9gCRgaLRFKTErYt1wVxA3Frb9FjasjTV",
- "logo": " https://kolibri-data.s3.amazonaws.com/logo.png",
- "name": "Kolibri USD",
- "symbol": "kUSD",
- "token_id": "0",
- "token_kind": "fa",
- "token_type": "fa1.2"
}, - "token_b": {
- "category": "none",
- "decimals": 6,
- "id": 1,
- "logo": "",
- "name": "Tez",
- "symbol": "XTZ",
- "token_kind": "tez",
- "token_type": "native"
}, - "token_lp": {
- "category": "none",
- "decimals": 0,
- "id": 28,
- "ledger": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "logo": "",
- "name": "Dexter kUSD/XTZ LP",
- "symbol": "dexterLP+kUSD+XTZ",
- "tags": [
- "non-transferable"
], - "token_id": "0",
- "token_kind": "lp",
- "token_type": "internal"
List all DEX events
Returns a list of DEX events.
query Parameters
object Filters by pool address ( | |
object Filters by unique pool database id. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by base currency identity. | |
object Filter by quote currency identity. | |
object Filter by base currency symbol. | |
object Filter by quote currency symbol. | |
object Filter by event type. | |
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
object Filter by call router. | |
address | string <address> Filter by any address in signer, sender, receiver. |
object Filter by block height. | |
object Filter by transaction date and time. | |
object Filter by transaction hash. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
block | integer <int64> Block height for the event. |
contract | string <contract-address> Dex contract address. |
decimals_a | integer Token A decimals. |
decimals_b | integer Token B decimals. |
decimals_c | integer Token C decimals. |
decimals_d | integer Token D decimals. |
decimals_lp | integer LP token decimals. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
event_type | string Enum: "trade" "deposit" "withdraw" "claim" "update" … 2 more |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
name | string Dex pool name. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int64> Trading pair id for DEX pool (serial id in contract). |
receiver | string <address> Token receiver address. |
router | string <address> Address of an optional contract call router. |
sender | string <address> Token sender address. |
signer | string <address> Transaction signer address. |
supply_a | string <bigint> Pool supply in token A after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_b | string <bigint> Pool supply in token B after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_c | string <bigint> Pool supply in token C after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_d | string <bigint> Poolsupply in token D after event (raw, no decimals). |
supply_lp | string <bigint> Pool supply in LP tokens after event (raw, no decimals). |
time | string <date-time> Block timestamp for the event. |
tx_fee | string <bigint> Transaction fee paid (raw, no decimals). |
tx_hash | string <hash> Transaction hash related to the event. |
value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of the event (18 decimals). |
volume_a | string <bigint> Event volume in token A (raw, no decimals). |
volume_b | string <bigint> Event volume in token B (raw, no decimals). |
volume_c | string <bigint> Event volume in token C (raw, no decimals). |
volume_d | string <bigint> Event volume in token D (raw, no decimals). |
volume_lp | string <bigint> Event volume in LP tokens (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "block": 1365565,
- "contract": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "decimals_a": 18,
- "decimals_b": 6,
- "decimals_lp": 0,
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "event_type": "deposit",
- "id": 8881,
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pair_id": 0,
- "receiver": "tz1Mqnms73LqgBCYiM7e5k12VyWNQG8ytcGb",
- "sender": "tz1Mqnms73LqgBCYiM7e5k12VyWNQG8ytcGb",
- "signer": "tz1Mqnms73LqgBCYiM7e5k12VyWNQG8ytcGb",
- "supply_a": "5000",
- "supply_b": "1416000000",
- "supply_lp": "1416000000",
- "time": "2021-03-01T09:08:07Z",
- "tx_fee": "50462",
- "tx_hash": "ooueUVpQ37mQz3PyoESft65FckfEg89oHdRhwz5qLiihV3YH6sc",
- "value_usd": "5062.200000000000000000",
- "volume_a": "5000",
- "volume_b": "1416000000",
- "volume_lp": "1416000000"
List all DEX positions
Returns a list of DEX positions.
query Parameters
object Filters by pool address ( | |
object Filters by unique pool database id. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by base currency identity. | |
object Filter by quote currency identity. | |
object Filter by base currency symbol. | |
object Filter by quote currency symbol. | |
object Filter by position owner wallet or contract address. | |
object Filter by position opening block height. | |
object Filter by position opening block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position closing block height. | |
object Filter by position closing block timestamp. | |
object Filter by position | |
with_closed | boolean Include closed positions when |
object Include zero positions. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
close_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was closed. |
close_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was closed. |
close_value_usd | string <fixed> Cumulative time value in USD of all position withdrawals at time of withdraw (18 decimals). |
contract | string <contract-address> Dex contract address. |
decimals_a | integer Token A decimals. |
decimals_b | integer Token B decimals. |
decimals_c | integer Token C decimals. |
decimals_d | integer Token D decimals. |
decimals_lp | integer LP shares decimals. |
deposited_a | string <bigint> Total amount of token A deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
deposited_b | string <bigint> Total amount of token B deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
deposited_c | string <bigint> Total amount of token C deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
deposited_d | string <bigint> Total amount of token D deposited into position (raw, no decimals). |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
fee_income_bps | string <fixed> Income from LP fees in basis points (2 decimals). |
fee_income_usd | string <fixed> Total income from LP fees in USD over the entire position lifetime considering deposited and withdrawn tokens. Price basis is current price (18 decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
is_closed | boolean Flag indicating whether position is historic (closed) meaning all minted LP shares have been burned. |
name | string Dex pool name. |
open_block | integer <int64> Block height when position was created. |
open_time | string <date-time> Block timestamp position was created. |
open_value_usd | string <fixed> Cumulative time value in USD of all position deposits at time of deposit (18 decimals). |
owner | string <address> Owner wallet address. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int64> Trading pair id for DEX pool (serial id in contract). |
pnl_bps | string <fixed> Profit or loss in basis points (2 decimals). |
pnl_usd | string <fixed> Profit or loss in USD over the entire position lifetime as difference between open and current (or close) value. This includes fee income and impermanent loss from token price and token amount changes. Price basis is cumulative open price (18 decimals). |
position_value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of the remaining position (18 decimals). |
share_value_usd | string <fixed> Current USD value of a single LP share (18 decimals). |
shares | string <bigint> Amount of LP shares owned by position (raw, no decimals). |
shares_burned | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares burned from position in withdraw events (raw, no decimals). |
shares_minted | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares minted to position in deposit events (raw, no decimals). |
shares_received | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares received by position owner from other protocol or wallet (raw, no decimals). |
shares_sent | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares sent from position owner to other protocol or wallet (raw, no decimals). |
total_shares | string <bigint> Total amount of LP shares in existence (raw, no decimals). |
value_a | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token A (raw, no decimals). |
value_b | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token B (raw, no decimals). |
value_c | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token C (raw, no decimals). |
value_d | string <bigint> Current value of LP shares in token D (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_a | string <bigint> Total amount of token A withdrawn from position (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_b | string <bigint> Total amount of token B deposited from position (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_c | string <bigint> Total amount of token C deposited from position (raw, no decimals). |
withdrawn_d | string <bigint> Total amount of token D deposited from position (raw, no decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "close_value_usd": "0.000000000000000000",
- "contract": "KT1AbYeDbjjcAnV1QK7EZUUdqku77CdkTuv6",
- "decimals_a": 18,
- "decimals_b": 6,
- "decimals_lp": 0,
- "deposited_a": "79957614596942778204",
- "deposited_b": "22033668",
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "fee_income_bps": "910.48",
- "fee_income_usd": "12.691710806377181725",
- "id": 808,
- "is_closed": false,
- "name": "Dexter v2 kUSD/XTZ DEX",
- "open_block": 1366833,
- "open_time": "2021-03-02T06:25:35Z",
- "open_value_usd": "154.204972354381032356",
- "owner": "tz1aCHzduykNyX5zLbJwnweezcNfAaWP7zYd",
- "pair": "kUSD/XTZ",
- "pair_id": 0,
- "pnl_bps": "-5073.42",
- "pnl_usd": "-78.234574095381032356",
- "position_value_usd": "75.970398259000000000",
- "share_value_usd": "0.000006949754678978",
- "shares": "21883668",
- "shares_burned": "0",
- "shares_minted": "21883668",
- "shares_received": "0",
- "shares_sent": "0",
- "total_shares": "2597778676",
- "value_a": "80719146059831532875",
- "value_b": "26156102",
- "withdrawn_a": "0",
- "withdrawn_b": "0"
List all DEX tickers
Returns a list of DEX price tickers.
query Parameters
object Filters by unique pool database id. | |
object Filter by DEX pool pair id. | |
object Filters by DEX address. | |
object Filter by DEX pool creator. | |
object Filter by DEX pool name. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by DEX pool pair name. | |
object Filter by any token symbol. | |
object Filter by base currency identity. | |
object Filter by quote currency identity. | |
object Filter by base currency symbol. | |
object Filter by quote currency symbol. | |
object Filter by number of trades. | |
object Filter by first block seen. | |
object Filter by first time seen. | |
object Filter by ledger tags. | |
zero | boolean Include zero DEX pools without deposits. |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
ask_price | string <fixed> Current ask price in quote currency (18 decimals). |
base_volume | string <fixed> 24h trading volume in base currency (base decimals). |
close_time | string <date-time> Ticker close timestamp (now). |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
high_price | string <fixed> 24h highest price in quote currency (18 decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
last_price | string <fixed> Last trade execution price (18 decimals). |
last_qty | string <fixed> Last trade quantity in quote currency (quote decimals). |
last_trade_time | string <date-time> Last trade timestamp. |
liquidity_usd | string <fixed> Current total pool value (all tokens), converted to USD at current price (18 decimals). |
low_price | string <fixed> 24h lowest price in quote currency (18 decimals). |
name | string Dex pool name. |
num_trades | integer <int32> Number of trades last 24h. |
open_price | string <fixed> 24h open price in quote currency (18 decimals). |
open_time | string <date-time> Ticker open timestamp. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pool | string <pool-address> DEX pool address ( |
price_change | string <fixed> Absolue 24h price change in quote currency (18 decimals). |
price_change_bps | string <fixed> Absolue 24h price change in basis points (2 decimals). |
price_usd | string <fixed> Current base currency price in USD (18 decimals). |
quote_volume | string <fixed> 24h trading volume in quote currency (quote decimals). |
weighted_avg_price | string <fixed> 24h volume weighted average price in quote currency (18 decimals). |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "ask_price": "35180.872515236150485815",
- "base_volume": "0.00378750",
- "close_time": "2023-06-10T12:00:36Z",
- "entity": "Dexter",
- "high_price": "35155.171603196991067230",
- "last_price": "35155.171603196991067230",
- "last_qty": "0.00004254",
- "last_trade_time": "2023-06-10T06:28:10Z",
- "liquidity_usd": "2910.591570795042085572",
- "low_price": "31009.814763616256566215",
- "name": "Dexter v2 tzBTC/XTZ DEX",
- "num_trades": 23,
- "open_price": "30935.894728806505656003",
- "open_time": "2023-06-09T12:00:36Z",
- "pair": "tzBTC/XTZ",
- "pool": "KT1BGQR7t4izzKZ7eRodKWTodAsM23P38v7N_0",
- "price_change": "4145.356839580734501015",
- "price_change_bps": "1336.7",
- "price_usd": "25574.632461649887319835",
- "quote_volume": "125.327414",
- "weighted_avg_price": "33035.696086307436780071"
List all DEX trades
Returns a list of DEX trades.
query Parameters
object Filters by pool address ( | |
object Filters by unique pool database id. | |
object Filter by entity label. | |
object Filter by base currency identity. | |
object Filter by quote currency identity. | |
object Filter by base currency symbol. | |
object Filter by quote currency symbol. | |
object Filter by trade side. | |
object Filter by transaction signer. | |
object Filter by token sender. | |
object Filter by token receiver. | |
object Filter by call router. | |
object Filter by dex pool trade counter. | |
object Filter by wash trade flag. | |
object Filter by block height. | |
object Filter by transaction date and time. | |
object Filter by transaction hash. | |
offset | integer <int32> >= 0 Default: 0 Skips a number of items at the front of a list. Applied after sorting. Use in combination with Performance hint: Prefer Example: |
limit | integer <int32> [ 0 .. 10000 ] Default: 100 Maximum number of items to return. |
cursor | integer <int64> Skips list items with an Performance hint: Always prefer this method in favor of offset/limit for pagination when an Example: |
order | string Default: "asc" Enum: "asc" "desc" Sorts results by |
Response Schema: application/json
base_decimals | integer Base currency decimals. |
base_symbol | string Base currency symbol. |
base_volume | string <bigint> Trade volume in base currency (raw, no decimals). |
block | integer <int64> Block height for the trade. |
burn | string or null <bigint> Token amount burned as part of the trade (raw, no decimals). |
burn_bps | string or null <fixed> Burn in basis points (two decimals). |
burn_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for burned tokens. |
burn_symbol | string Currency symbol for burned tokens. |
contract | string <contract-address> Dex contract address. |
counter | integer <int64> Dex trade counter (unique serial number). |
dev_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid to Dex developer (raw, no decimals). |
dev_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> Developer fee in basis points (two decimals). |
dev_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for developer fee. |
dev_fee_symbol | string Currency symbol for developer fee. |
entity | string Enum: "quipu" "sirius" "plenty" "ctez" "dexter" … 77 more Custom entity label |
fees_usd | string <fixed> Total Dex fees converted to USD at time of the trade (18 decimals). |
id | integer <int64> Internal database id. |
incentive_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid as incentive to Dex stakeholders (raw, no decimals). |
incentive_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> Incentive fee in basis points (two decimals). |
incentive_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for incentive fee. |
incentive_fee_symbol | string Currency symbol for incentive fee. |
is_wash_trade | boolean Wash trade flag, |
lp_fee | string or null <bigint> Fee amount paid to liquidty providers (raw, no decimals). |
lp_fee_bps | string or null <fixed> LP fee in basis points (two extra decimals). |
lp_fee_decimals | integer or null Currency decimals for LP fee. |
lp_fee_symbol | string or null Currency symbol for LP fee. |
name | string Dex pool name. |
pair | string Dex pair name. |
pair_id | integer <int64> Trading pair id for DEX pool (serial id in contract). |
price_before | string <fixed> Marginal price before trade execution (18 decimals). |
price_decimals | integer Currency decimals for prices. |
price_delta_bps | string or null <fixed> Price difference between marginal price (before) and execution price (gross) in basis points (two decimals). |
price_gross | string <fixed> Marginal price after trade execution (18 decimals). |
price_impact_bps | string or null <fixed> Absolute price change (before/after) in basis points (two decimals). |
price_net | string <fixed> Net price inclusive of all Dex fees for this trade (18 decimals). |
price_symbol | string Currency symbol for prices. |
price_usd | string <fixed> Gross price converted to USD at time of the trade (18 decimals). |
quote_decimals | integer Quote currency decimals. |
quote_symbol |