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Version: 0.9.1

Snapshot Table

GET /tables/snapshot?args

List network-wide staking status across all bakers and delegators at snapshot blocks. this table contains all snapshots regardless of them being later chosen as cycle snapshot or not.

row_id uint64Unique row identifier.
height int64Block height of this snapshot.
cycle int64Cycle of this snapshot.
time datetimeBlock time of this snapshot.
index int64Snapshot index in the cycle [0..15].
own_stake money(baker only) Amount of stake owned by the baker.
staking_balance money(baker only) Total amount of staked plus delegated (uncapped, may be over-delegated or over-staked).
account_id uint64Unique row_id of the account this snapshot relates to.
baker_id uint64Unique row_id of the baker this account delegates to.
is_baker boolFlag indicating the current account is a baker.
is_active boolFlag indicating the current account is an active baker.
balance moneyAccount spendable balance.
delegated money(baker-only) Total delegated balance.
n_delegations int64(baker-only) Incoming number of non-zero delegations.
n_stakers int64(baker-only) Number of stakers.
since int64(delegator-only) Block height at which this delegation was created.
address hashAccount address.
baker hashAccount delegate address.
since_time datetime(delegator-only) Timestamp when this delegation was created.