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Version: 0.9.1

Bigmap Table

GET /tables/bigmaps?args

Lists bigmap allocations and the most recent state of each bigmap. Use this table only when you have a very good reason, e.g. to search through all bigmaps of all contracts efficiently. A better way might be to use the explorer API endpoints.

row_id uint64Unique row identifier.
bigmap_id int64Unique on-chain id of the bigmap.
account_id uint64Unique row_id of the account that owns the bigmap.
alloc_height int64Height at which the bigmap was allocated on-chain.
alloc_time datetimeTimestamp at which the bigmap was allocated on-chain.
alloc_block hashHash of the block in which the bigmap was allocated.
update_height int64Height at which the bigmap was last updated.
update_time datetimeTimestamp at which the bigmap was last updated.
update_block hashHash of the block in which the bigmap was last updated.
delete_height int64Height when bigmap was deleted.
delete_time datetimeTime of deletion.
delete_block hashBlock hash at which bigmap was deleted.
key_type stringHex string with Micheline encoded type for bigmap keys.
value_type stringHex string with Micheline encoded type for bigmap values.
n_keys int64Number of live bigmap keys after the last update.
n_updates int64Total number of updates.