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Version: 0.9.1

Accounts Table

GET /tables/account?args

List information about the most recent state of implicit and smart contract accounts.

row_id uint64Unique row identifier.
address hashAccount address.
address_type enumAccount address type ed25519 (tz1), secp256k1 (tz2), p256 (tz3), contract (KT1), rollup (txr1) or blinded (btz1).
pubkey hashRevealed public key.
counter int64Replay protection counter for ops signed.
first_in int64Block height of first incoming transaction.
first_out int64Block height of first outgoing transaction.
last_in int64Block height of latest incoming transaction.
last_out int64Block height of latest outgoing transaction.
first_seen int64Block height of account creation.
last_seen int64Block height of last activity.
delegated_since int64Block height of most recent delegation.
total_received moneyLifetime total tokens received in transactions.
total_sent moneyLifetime total tokens sent in transactions.
total_burned moneyLifetime total tokens burned.
total_fees_paid moneyLifetime fees paid.
total_fees_used moneyLifetime fees consumed in calls where this account was receiver.
unclaimed_balance moneyCurrently unclaimed balance (for vesting contracts and commitments).
spendable_balance moneyCurrently spendable balance.
frozen_rollup_bond moneyTotal rollup bond currently frozen.
lost_rollup_bond moneyTotal rollup bond lost due to slashing.
staked_balance moneyAmount staked (and slashable) with the current baker.
unstaked_balance moneyAmount unstaked (and still slashable).
lost_stake moneyTotal stake lost in baker slashing.
is_funded boolFlag indicating the account is funded.
is_activated boolFlag indicating the account was activated from a commitment.
is_delegated boolFlag indicating the account is currently delegated.
is_staked boolFlag indicating the account is staker.
is_revealed boolFlag indicating the account has a revealed public key.
is_baker boolFlag indicating the account is a registered baker.
is_contract boolFlag indicating the account is a smart contract.
n_tx_success int64Lifetime total number of operations sent.
n_tx_failed int64Lifetime total number of operations failed.
n_tx_out int64Lifetime total number of transactions sent.
n_tx_in int64Lifetime total number of transactions received.
baker hashAccount baker address.
creator hashAccount creator address.
first_seen_time datetimeBlock time of account creation.
last_seen_time datetimeBlock time of last activity.
first_in_time datetimeBlock time of first incoming transaction.
last_in_time datetimeBlock time of latest incoming transaction.
first_out_time datetimeBlock time of first outgoing transaction.
last_out_time datetimeBlock time of latest outgoing transaction.
delegated_since_time datetimeBlock time of most recent delegation.