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Version: 0.9.1

Decode contract storage

import (

// we use the Baker Registry on mainnet as example
addr := tezos.MustParseAddress("KT1ChNsEFxwyCbJyWGSL3KdjeXE28AY1Kaog")

// init RPC client
c, _ := rpc.NewClient("", nil)

// fetch the contract's script and most recent storage
script, _ := c.GetContractScript(ctx, addr)

// unfold Micheline storage into human-readable form
val := micheline.NewValue(script.StorageType(), script.Storage)
m, _ := val.Map()
buf, _ := json.MarshalIndent(m, "", " ")

Decode contract call parameters

import (

// init RPC client
c, _ := rpc.NewClient("", nil)

// assuming you have this transaction
tx := block.Operations[3][0].Contents[0].(*rpc.TransactionOp)

// load the contract's script for type info
script, err := c.GetContractScript(ctx, tx.Destination)

// unwrap params for nested entrypoints
ep, param, err := tx.Parameters.MapEntrypoint(script.ParamType())

// convert Micheline param data into human-readable form
val := micheline.NewValue(ep.Type(), param)

// e.g. access individual nested fields using value helpers
from, ok := val.GetAddress("transfer.from")

Use TzGo's Value API

Micheline type and value trees are verbose and can be ambiguous due to comb-pair optimizations. If you don't know or don't care about what that even means, you may want to use the Value API which helps you translate Micheline into human readable form.

There are multiple options to access decoded data:

// 1/
// decode into a Go type tree using `Map()` which produces
// - `map[string]any` for records and maps
// - `[]any` for lists and sets
// - `time.Time` for time values
// - `string` stringified numbers for Nat, Int, Mutez
// - `bool` for Booleans
// - `tezos.Address` for any string or bytes sequence that contains an address
// - `tezos.Key` for keys
// - `tezos.Signature` for signatures
// - `tezos.ChainIdHash` for chain ids
// - hex string for untyped bytes
// - opcode names for any Michelson opcode
// - opcode sequences for lambdas
m, err := val.Map()
buf, err := json.MarshalIndent(m, "", " ")

// when you know the concrete type you can cast directly
fmt.Println("Value=", m.(map[string]any)["transfer"].(map[string]any)["value"])

// 2/
// access individual nested fields using value helpers (`ok` is true when the field
// exists and has the correct type; helpers exist for
// GetString() (string, bool)
// GetBytes() ([]byte, bool)
// GetInt64() (int64, bool)
// GetBig() (*big.Int, bool)
// GetBool() (bool, bool)
// GetTime() (time.Time, bool)
// GetAddress() (tezos.Address, bool)
// GetKey() (tezos.Key, bool)
// GetSignature() (tezos.Signature, bool)
from, ok := val.GetAddress("transfer.from")

// 3/
// unmarshal the decoded Micheline parameters into a json-tagged Go struct
type FA12Transfer struct {
From tezos.Address `json:"from"`
To tezos.Address `json:"to"`
Value int64 `json:"value,string"`

// FA1.2 params are nested, so we need an extra wrapper
type FA12TransferParams struct {
Transfer FA12Transfer `json:"transfer"`

var transfer FA12TransferParams
err := val.Unmarshal(&transfer)