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Version: 0.9.1

List bigmaps

import (

// we use the hic et nunc NFT market on mainnet as example
addr := tezos.MustParseAddress("KT1Hkg5qeNhfwpKW4fXvq7HGZB9z2EnmCCA9")

// init RPC client
c, _ := rpc.NewClient("", nil)

// fetch the contract's script and most recent storage
script, _ := c.GetContractScript(ctx, addr)

// bigmap pointers as []int64
ids := script.BigmapsById()

// bigmap pointers as named map[string]int64 (names from type annotations)
named := script.BigmapsByName()

Fetch and decode bigmap values

// init RPC client
c, _ := rpc.NewClient("", nil)

// load bigmap type info (use the Baker Registry on mainnet as example)
biginfo, _ := c.GetBigmapInfo(ctx, 17)

// list all bigmap keys
bigkeys, _ := c.GetBigmapKeys(ctx, 17)

// visit each value
for _, key := range bigkeys {
bigval, _ := c.GetBigmapValue(ctx, 17, key)

// unfold Micheline type into human readable form
val := micheline.NewValue(micheline.NewType(biginfo.ValueType), bigval)
m, _ := val.Map()
buf, _ := json.MarshalIndent(m, "", " ")