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Version: 0.9.1

TzCompose Automation Framework

TzCompose is a tool for defining and running complex transaction sequences on Tezos. With TzCompose, you use a YAML file to configure pipelines from different kinds of tasks and then run a single command to execute these pipelines.

TzCompose works on all Tezos networks and makes it easy to clone contracts and transaction sequences between them.

Developers can use TzCompose for

  • smart contract deployment and maintenance
  • traffic generation for protocol and application testing
  • automating test-case setups
  • loning contract deployments and setup logic between networks

How to use TzCompose

The easiest way to run TzCompose is

# directly from the Git repo
go run

# or by installing it
go install

Then, set an environment variable containing a private key TZCOMPOSE_BASE_KEY, which will serve as your base account from which any other account will be derived and funded.

TzCompose works with any RPC node (-rpc url), but if you use clone or connect the default TzPro servers, keep in mind that you need a 🔑 TzPro API key (simply export it via TZCOMPOSE_API_KEY). Don't have a key yet? No problem, you can create one for free at TzPro.

TzCompose can execute configurations from a single file -f file.yaml, a single directory -f ./examples/fa or all subdirectories -f ./examples/... in which cases all yaml files will be read in filesystem order.

go run [cmd] [flags]

TZCOMPOSE_BASE_KEY private key for base account
TZCOMPOSE_API_KEY API key for RPC and index calls (optional)

-f file
configuration file or path (default "tzcompose.yaml")
-file file
configuration file or path (default "tzcompose.yaml")
continue pipeline execution
-rpc string
Tezos node RPC url (default "")
-h print help and exit
-v be verbose (default true)
debug mode
trace mode

Available Commands

  • clone: clone transactions starting from the origination of a contract
  • validate: validate compose file syntax and parameters
  • simulate: simulate compose file execution against a blockchain node
  • run: execute compose file(s) sending signed transactions to a blockchain node
  • version: print version and exit

TzCompose relies on the Tezos Node RPC, and on the TzIndex API for its clone feature. Both are publicly available via with a free subscription. Export your API key as follows:

export TZCOMPOSE_API_KEY=<your-api-key>

Available Tasks


TzCompose YAML files contain different sections to define accounts, variables and pipelines. Pipelines can be composed from different tasks which will generate transactions when executed. A compose file may contain multiple pipelines and each pipeline virtually unlimited tasks.

# Available engines: alpha
version: <engine-version>

# Specify alias names for tz1 user accounts and optional key id
- name: alias
id: 1

# Specify contract addresses or other data as variables and later
# reference them inside pipelines
- <name>: KT1...

# Specify transaction sequences as pipelines. Each sequence consists of tasks
# of a specifed type and corresponding input parameters
- task: deploy | call | transfer | register_baker | token_transfer | ...
source: $var | address
destination: $var | address

Dive Deeper

Consult the full TzCompose README. It includes a section on how Tzcompose works and a task reference with detailed descriptions.