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Version: 0.9.1


GET /explorer/op/{hash|id}

The operations endpoint returns info about a single operation or a list of related operations. Because Tezos supports batch operations (multiple operations sharing the same hash) and internal operations (created by smart contract calls in response to a transaction) this endpoint always returns an array of operation objects. In many cases this array contains one element only. Use the optional prim (boolean) parameter to embed Michelson primitive trees with smart contract calls. Use meta (boolean) to add optional account metadata.

id uint64Global unique id.
hash hashOperation hash.
type enumOperation type.
block hashBlock hash at which the operation was included on-chain.
time datetimeBlock time at which the operation was included on-chain.
height int64Block height at which the operation was included on-chain.
cycle int64Cycle in which the operation was included on-chain.
counter int64Unique sender account 'nonce' value.
op_n int64In block operation counter.
op_p int64Tezos RPC operation list position.
status enumOperation status applied, failed, backtracked, skipped.
is_success boolFlag indicating operation was successfully applied.
is_contract boolFlag indicating smart-contract calls.
is_event boolFlag indicating an event, i.e. state changes that don't have an operation hash such as bake, unfreeze, seed_slash, airdrop, invoice, migration, subsidy, deposit, reward, bonus, stake_slash and internal versions of stake, unstake, finalize_unstake.
is_internal boolFlag indicating if this operation was sent be a smart contract.
is_rollup boolFlag indicating this is a rollup related operation.
gas_limit int64Caller-defined gas limit.
gas_used int64Gas used by the operation.
storage_limit int64Caller-defined storage limit.
storage_paid int64Part of the storage the operation paid for.
volume moneyAmount of tokens transferred in tz. In denunciation operations, this field contains the accuser reward, in delegation operations this field contains the initially delegated balance.
fee moneyFees paid in tez. In denunciation operations, this field contains the offender loss as negative value.
reward moneyRewards earned in tez. In denunciation operations, this field contains the offender loss as negative value.
deposit moneyAmount of deposited tokens in tez. In denunciation operations, this field contains the offender loss as negative value.
burned moneyAmount of burned tokens in tez.
data polymorphExtra type-dependent operation data. See below.
errors arrayNative Tezos RPC errors.
parameters objectCall parameters as embedded JSON object, contract-only.
script objectEmbedded Micheline script on originations.
storage objectUpdated contract storage as embedded JSON object, contract-only. Optional, use storage=1 to add.
big_map_diff objectInserted, updated or deleted bigmap entries as embedded JSON object, contract-only. Optional, use storage=1 to add.
value objectMicheline data for global constants.
code_hash bytesShort hash to uniquely identify the receiver contract, first 8 bytes of the SHA256 hash over binary encoded Michelson script code.
sender hashOperation sender (note some event types have no sender).
receiver hashTransaction receiver, may be empty. For activation the source account is referenced when the activation merged coins from a second blinded account (i.e. when a fundraiser signed up twice). For delegation the previous delegate is referenced.
source hashIn internal operations, source is the original signer of the outer transaction.
creator hashContains contract creator on origination. For nonce_revelation the actual seed publisher is referenced.
baker hashNew baker, only used by origination and delegation. When empty for a delegation the operation was a withdrawal.
previous_baker hashOn re-delegations, contains the previous baker.
accuser hashFor double bake/endorse this is the account who sent the accusation.
offender hashFor double bake/endorse this is the account who was slashed.
level int64Rollup level, rollup ops only.
power int64Endorsing power (in number of slots), (pre)endorsement only.
limit moneyDeposits limit, set deposit limit op only.
solution bytesVDF operation solution bytes
proof bytesVDF operation proof bytes
confirmations int64Number of blocks following the inclusion of this operation. Usually 6 blocks are OK to consider an operation final (not subject to reorg).
metadata objectUse meta=1 to embed optional account metadata for sender, receiver, delegate, creator. May be empty if no account has metadata defined.
events arrayList of emitted on-chain events. Kathmandu+
ticket_updates arrayList of emitted ticket updates. Lima+