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Version: 0.9.1


Blockchain Tip​

GET /explorer/tip

Returns info about the most recent block, indexer status, running counters for relevant on-chain entities as well as a list of protocol deployments and supply statistics.

name stringBlockchain name (Tezos).
network stringNetwork name (e.g. Mainnet, Ghostnet, Sandbox).
symbol stringTicker symbol (XTZ).
chain_id hashChain hash.
genesis_time datetimeGenesis block timestamp.
block_hash hashCurrent block hash.
timestamp datetimeCurrent block timestamp.
height int64Current block height (level).
cycle int64Current cycle.
protocol hashCurrent protocol.
total_accounts int64Total number of on-chain accounts in existence.
total_contracts int64Total number of on-chain contracts in existence.
total_rollups int64Total number of on-chain rollups in existence.
funded_accounts int64Total number on funded (non-zero) accounts.
dust_accounts int64Number of dust accounts (0 < balance < 1 tez)
dust_delegators int64Number of dust delegators
ghost_accounts int64Number of unfunded accounts who own tokens.
total_ops int64Total number of on-chain operations.
delegators int64Current number of delegators.
stakers int64Current number of stakers.
bakers int64Current number of active bakers.
new_accounts_30d int64Accounts created during the past 30 days.
cleared_accounts_30d int64Accounts emptied during the past 30 days.
funded_accounts_30d int64Accounts (re)funded (new and previously empty) during the past 30 days.
inflation_1y moneyAbsolute inflation in tez.
inflation_rate_1y floatRelative annualized inflation in percent.
health int64Blockchain and consensus health indicator with range [0..100] based on recent 128 blocks (priority, endorsements, reorgs).
supply objectCoin supply statistics at current block height.
status objectIndexer status, embedded for efficiency.

Blockchain Config​

GET /explorer/config/{head|hash|height}

Fetches blockchain configuration parameters that are specific for each deployed protocol. This endpoint accepts head and a block hash or height as path parameters, so you can access configurations of past protocols as well. Note that as the Tezos blockchain evolves some configuration parameters become obsolete while new parameters are added.

name stringBlockchain name (Tezos).
network stringNetwork name (e.g. Mainnet, Hangzhounet, Sandbox).
symbol stringTicker symbol (XTZ).
chain_id hashChain hash.
version int64Protocol version number.
deployment int64Number of deployed protocols on this network.
protocol hashProtocol hash.
start_height int64Activation height of the protocol.
end_height int64Deactivation height of the protocol (0 if undefined).
decimals int64Decimal points of one coin unit.
minimal_stake int64Min amount of tez required to receive block voting rights.
preserved_cycles int64Number of cycles for freezing security deposits and rewards.
blocks_per_cycle int64Number of blocks per consensus cycle.
minimal_block_delay intExpected time between blocks, replacement for time_between_blocks.