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Version: 0.9.1


GET /explorer/account/{address}

The account endpoint provides information about the most recent state of accounts and smart contracts. Baker accounts and delegator accounts contain additional state information. Use meta (boolean) to embed optional metadata. See the table below for details.

row_id int64Internal database id.
address hashAccount address as base58-check encoded string.
address_type enumAccount address type ed25519 (tz1), secp256k1 (tz2), p256 (tz3), contract (KT1) or blinded (btz1).
pubkey hashRevealed public key.
counter int64The account's most recent relay protection counter seen in ops.
baker hashCurrent baker (may be self when registered as baker), omitted when not delegating.
creator hashCreator account of a smart contract account.
first_in int64Block height of first incoming transaction.
first_out int64Block height of first outgoing transaction.
last_in int64Block height of latest incoming transaction.
last_out int64Block height of latest outgoing transaction.
first_seen int64Block height of account creation.
last_seen int64Block height of last activity.
delegated_since int64Block height of most recent delegation. Omitted when not delegating.
first_in_time datetimeBlock time of first incoming transaction.
first_out_time datetimeBlock time of first outgoing transaction.
last_in_time datetimeBlock time of latest incoming transaction.
last_out_time datetimeBlock time of latest outgoing transaction.
first_seen_time datetimeBlock time of account creation.
last_seen_time datetimeBlock time of last activity.
delegated_since_time datetimeBlock time of most recent delegation. Omitted when not delegating.
total_received moneyLifetime total tokens received in transactions.
total_sent moneyLifetime total tokens sent in transactions.
total_burned moneyLifetime total tokens burned in tez.
total_fees_paid moneyLifetime fees paid in tez.
total_fees_used moneyLifetime fees accrued in tx sent by others.
unclaimed_balance moneyCurrently unclaimed balance (for vesting contracts and commitments).
spendable_balance moneyCurrently spendable balance.
frozen_rollup_bond moneyCurrently frozen bond for all unsettled rollup commitments.
lost_rollup_bond moneyBond slashed for refuted rollup commitments.
staked_balance moneyAmount staked (and slashable) with the current baker.
unstaked_balance moneyAmount unstaked (and still slashable).
frozen_rewards moneyCalculated current rewards earned from staking which auto-compound with stake.
lost_stake moneyTotal stake lost in baker slashing.
is_funded boolFlag indicating the account is funded.
is_activated boolFlag indicating the account was activated from a commitment.
is_delegated boolFlag indicating the account is currently delegated.
is_staked boolFlag indicating the account currently stakes.
is_revealed boolFlag indicating the account has a revealed public key .
is_baker boolFlag indicating the account is a registered baker.
is_contract boolFlag indicating the account is a smart contract.
n_tx_success int64Lifetime total number of operations sent and received.
n_tx_failed int64Lifetime total number of operations sent that failed.
n_tx_out int64Lifetime total number of transactions sent.
n_tx_in int64Lifetime total number of transactions received.
metadata objectEmbedded account metadata if available. Requires meta=1 argument.

List Account Operations​

GET /explorer/account/{address}/operations

Lists operations sent from and to an account (defaults to all types and ascending order). This endpoint supports pagination with cursor or offset and limit. Use type to filter for a specific operation type (e.g. transaction).

To query for updates after a certain block use the optional argument since (int64|hash) or simply use cursor. Using block hash has the advantage that the query is reorg-aware, i.e. it throws a 409 error when the specified block has become orphan.

To change the order of returned operations use the optional order (asc|desc) parameter. Use meta (boolean) to add optional account metadata.


curl ""
import (

// list operations sent and received by this account
ops, err := tzpro.DefaultClient.Account.ListOps(

List Deployed Contracts​

GET /explorer/account/{address}/contracts

Lists all smart contracts this account has deployed.


curl ""
import (

// list deployed contracts
contracts, err := tzpro.DefaultClient.Account.ListContracts(