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Version: 0.9.1

Market Tickers

GET /markets/tickers

Fetches a list of market price tickers with 24h OHLCV data.

pair stringTrading pair in format {base}_{quote}.
base stringBase currency (always XTZ).
quote stringQuote currency.
exchange stringExchange code.
open money24h open price in quote currency.
high money24h highest price in quote currency.
low money24h lowest price in quote currency.
last moneyLast price in quote currency.
change float24h price change in percent.
vwap money24h volume weighted average price in quote currency.
n_trades int6424h number of trades.
volume_base money24h traded volume in base currency.
volume_quote money24h traded volume in quote currency.
timestamp datetimeTimestamp of the ticker result.